tall german foreign exchange stoodents rule. they are all like fick dish! schlampe! vut duz dis werd meen??? hahaha homg mary-ana! too bad she dun drink too much and shes not big on drugz. heh. still shez kewl. so0o0o kewl as k8e wood say. citka!! fick dish!! chose!
im goin to georgia for the whole fuckin break. im glad tho. i get to see my dads side of the family which i havent seen in 5 years or something. no drugz tho. i hope they dont know the difference about my hair. blah i have a few shout outs to my lezziez.
its a weird feeling to avoid someone(s) and be avoided by that(those) someone(s) at the same time :)
due to a lack of art in my english summer assignment (emphasis on art and english) i got points off. i dont understand why these classes these days mix things.