The first three episodes of The Traitors (UK), hosted by Claudia Winkleman, premiered this week. The Traitors (UK) is a reality game show where people compete to win up to £120,000. The players are split into Faithfuls and Traitors. The Faithfuls must detect and eliminate the undercover Traitors to win the grand prize while the Traitors must
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Comments 59
People I want eliminated: Charlotte for her dumb idea to pretend to be from Wales, Jake, and Joe. It was interesting that the men were building their own little clique. They should’ve gotten rid of Jake to break up the clique and bc he will keep coming for Linda.
I agree with the white man clique. I want them out asap.
It's extremely Inigo Montoya "you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."
i'm so bummed about elen, she had such good instincts and shallowly, was so pretty to look at. i'm someone that gets teary eyes at any kind of confrontation, so i felt for her so much when she started crying at the round table when people started questioning her :/
armani was doing way too much, but she was fun. i really hope minah goes far
His little “don’t come at me little boy” comment about a man a decade older was insane given he was the one shouting at the other guy and the other guy simply responded to him calmly. I was surprised he didn’t immediately say “he’s definitely a traitor” when they got in the kitchen.
Jake, Tyler, and that English teaching bore are a trio of twats.
It’s only three episodes in so far, so I could be worried early for nothing… but I have concerns that The Traitors has fallen victim of what every reality show experiences around season three - people applying simply to get on television. “Go around saving lives by day and killing by night” felt like something he’d workshopped to get more air time.
the (straight) white male trio is insufferable
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