The first three episodes of The Traitors (UK), hosted by Claudia Winkleman, premiered this week. The Traitors (UK) is a reality game show where people compete to win up to £120,000. The players are split into Faithfuls and Traitors. The Faithfuls must detect and eliminate the undercover Traitors to win the grand prize while the Traitors must
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Comments 59
I would always look more into a person's life experiences than their profession in this game tbh.
Kas' whole personality is seemingly based on the idea that doctors = good and smart and you can tell he's rattled and unable to regulate when people imply that's not the case in this game. however, I think most of the 'evidence' against him is being brought forth by three really annoying insecure white men who probably feel envious at kas for being so likeable, successful, and sound. a lot of the bias against him feels lowkey racist, especially from Joe who appears to have a personal problem with him.
Love Minah, hope Army Barbie gets recruited. Armani was a mess.
I'm looking forward to seeing who they recruit next tho, Minah so far is a great traitor
Like, whatever happened at the end of episode 3 seems to show a new twist.
I definitely feel like this is the series - and it happens with every reality show - where it's no longer a bunch of normal people in a weird situation, it's people who are out to either play a game or be famous for five minutes.
Though the producers are playing an absolute blinder with that - it's no longer just the Traitors who are having to pick between money and self-interest, they're continually setting the Faithfuls up too. And they're all failing dismally because wow they've been totally selfish at every point lol
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