The first three episodes of The Traitors (UK), hosted by Claudia Winkleman, premiered this week. The Traitors (UK) is a reality game show where people compete to win up to £120,000. The players are split into Faithfuls and Traitors. The Faithfuls must detect and eliminate the undercover Traitors to win the grand prize while the Traitors must
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Comments 59
Minah is the only one who I think has a chance of winning the whole thing. Linda is too clumsy and Armani was too obvious with her attempts at shitstirring.
Armani was too much but gave the audience a good time and I do respect that lol.
I was cackling.
I feel bad for Kas, he's a doctor and therefore a traitor at night..
Must mean the Barber is Sweeney Todd at night by that logic.
Absolutely fuming at the treatment Kas got. It's so obvious it's coming from a place if insecurity and racism from the three white guys, and I truly want none of them to reach the final.
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