At the request of our members:
→ Leave a comment here with your prompt. This is a Sam-focused hurt/comfort community, so Sam should be the one in the hurt/comforted role. Your prompts may involve sick!Sam, hurt!Sam, angsty!Sam, basically anything that results in Sam being on the receiving end of hurt/comfort. (No rules against whumping other characters as well, of course, but you have to whump Sam first. ;) )
→ In your prompt, please state your desired characters or pairings. All genres/pairings welcome, but no real-person (RPF) prompts.
Example A: “Sam, Dean, gen, set in season 2. Sam has a vision and passes out. Cue caring!Dean and limp!Sam.”
Example B: “Sam/Dean, trauma. Sam is injured on a hunt, Dean freaks out when he thinks Sam might be dead.”
→ Post as many prompts as you like - but one prompt per comment. If you've got a couple, comment with each separately.
→ Prompts can be as short or detailed as you like. Remember though - more detail means less wriggle room for the writer, which might lower the chances of someone picking up your prompt.
→ Go through the prompts! If you find one you like, write a fic for it. There's no limit to how many users can reply to a prompt, or how many prompts someone can write for.
→ When replying to a prompt with your comment-fic, put ‘filled’ in your subject line and then anything else you want, like a title if you have one/part numbers. It’s not a big deal if you forget this step, but it will make it easier for people to find your fic. As subject lines are no more, please begin your fills with the word FILLED and a TITLE in BOLD -
the first box on this page shows you how to position the bold tag for proper results.
→ If you notice that your fic is not on the master list after a decent amount of time (say, two days), please poke me in a PM. I might have missed it.
→ Please remember, if your fic includes potential triggers (non/dub-con, abuse, self-harm, etc.) please grey out your text using the following code and put a warning before.
→ Anon posting enabled.
→ Play nice - no flaming and no character bashing, period. Any comments that break this rule will be deleted without warning.
→ Feedback is catnip for writers. Leave some author-love!
→ No spam comments.
→ Contact one of the mods if you have a question.
→ Spread the Sam love - pimp this meme!
→ Have fun!
eta → The banner says 7.17, but we're not going to restrict the meme to that episode. Since we all seem to be suffering from hurt!Sam withdrawal any prompts related to season seven are allowed.
Hell of Wheels by
captainlonThe missing scene after Castiel kills the demon and Sam says he's not real, Sam had to of moved from that bed to his room again. That's where Dean comes in.
One Pill Makes You Larger, One Pill Makes You Small by
spnshannanigansDean wakes up and can't find Sam. Then he gets the call from the hospital that Sam's been hit by a car. Cue frantic!Dean and Injured!Sam.
Scratch 'n Sniff by
tattooeddevilWhen Sam finally wakes up after sleeping off the effects of his stay in the hospital, he tries to shave off his scruffy whiskers [...] But the injuries to his fingers and hand make shaving and shampooing nearly impossible and he's almost in tears over how frustrating it is. Thankfully, Sam has an awesome big brother [...]
All Along the Watchtower by
mamapranayamaSam is wasting away, losing his mind, himself, to madness. Dean is barely holding together, spiraling faster with every dead end he finds to helping Sam. Bobby is helpless, only able to watch them deteriorate.
Waiting for the Summer Rain by
minviendhaDean tried everything to save his brother, but the 'healer' he was sent to wasn't Cas -- he was just another crackpot. Without any other options, Dean goes back to the hospital to get Sam out of there and take care of him by himself because if his brother is going to die, then he's not going to do it surrounded by strangers -- it's going to be in Dean's arms.
Come Away to the Darkness by
ladybastet92Lucifer/Sam, Castiel - torture, non-consensual activity. After Castiel shifted the hallucinations to himself, Lucifer keeps telling him in painful detail just what exactly it is he did to Sam in the cage.
Worth Remembering by
annie46The electro-shock 'therapy' that Sam received from the demon left him with holes in his memory -- he knows who he is, and who Dean is and how he ended up in a psych ward, but some things, like the fact that just about everyone they knew or ever loved is dead, have been forgotten. Dean has to fill him in and pick up the pieces.
Dean's Gonna Make it All Better by
thoughtyouknewrSam/Dean(doesn´t need to be Slash, can be Gen too). Because Sam is going crazy and he start to allucinate with Lucifer Killing Dean in front of him over and over and for some reason Sam cant stop feeling horrible about it, even when he knows that the demon is playing with his mind.
Withdrawal by
verucasalt123Gen: Sam was on some heavy-duty anti-psychotics and sedatives while in the hospital and stopping them abruptly causes him to go into withdrawal.
A Fly in Their Soup by
thoughtyouknewrEverything is going fine... until Sam sees a fly in his soup, It isn't maggots in his sandwich but it is enough. He freaks out. Cue protective and growly big brother Dean. It can be slash or gen.
Drive by
twilightshoursCastiel says he can "shift" Sam's Hell memories, and that his solution will get Sam "back on his feet." "Back on his feet" to me implies a kindasortamaybe fix, one that isn't perfect. Maybe Sam can function better that he could before, and can generally get around, but he's still not quite alright. It's up to you how severe the 'not-alright' is. Dean has to come to terms with the truth that his brother is never going to be perfectly mentally well again, but he's awesome about it. Gen, please.
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence by
minviendha Sam/Dean. Sam's not hallucinating anymore but he's remembering things that happened to him in the cage more clearly without the constant interruption. So one morning Dean gets back from grabbing breakfast to find Sam standing naked in the bathroom carving into his body where he knows he's supposed to have scars from Lucifer. Bonus points if Sam, very calmly and very sanely, explains that really, Dean, everything's fine, he was meant to be this way.
Disconnect by
spnshannanigansSam is in the hospital. A staff member / visitor / another patient notices that he has dissociative tendencies. Whenever the stress gets too much, or certain things come up, he becomes slow, disoriented, sleepy, and uncoordinated. He can't remember basic things and maybe slurs a little and is generally just... a little out of it. When it gets bad, he may even become unresponsive, drifting somewhere in his head. But he is still trying to hold it together, because... you choose: Dean is around? He vaguely knows that he needs to do something important?
Last Updated: 28 April 2012