OhSam Triple Play 2015!

Nov 02, 2015 12:06

The comm hosted this little event a couple of years ago, and as November 2 is an auspicious day for our darling Sam, today would be the perfect time to revisit this challenge. Welcome to the Triple Play 2015!

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quickreaver November 2 2015, 18:24:44 UTC
1.) Las Vegas
2.) Dean
3.) Gall stones

(I have no idea...)


FILLED: Sick City 1/2 fireheart13 November 2 2015, 20:38:05 UTC
“Dean, you go ahead.” Sam closed his eyes, stifling the moan that filled his throat. The pain was sharp, knife-sharp, ice-pick sharp; if he lay perfectly still, it eased somewhat, but only enough to lull him into thinking it was gone.

It wasn't gone.

Sam bit his lips, praying for Dean just to leave their room, go on down to the blackjack and poker tables. For him to go guzzle some free whiskey and hook up with some showgirl or craps groupie and get laid. For him to leave Sam to his quiet misery, stretched out on the softest bed he'd slept in in a year, air conditioning quietly blowing cool air over Sam's over-heated skin.

Just goThe pain receded, and Sam shakily exhaled. He knew he shouldn't have eaten so much last night, but they'd been starving when they'd pulled in after midnight. Dean had been hot to trot about their annual Vegas week, their 'vacation' from hunting, a week of wine, women, and song. Or, in Dean's case, whiskey, women, and whatever game he could win at. Sam had felt some pangs in his middle, but written them off ( ... )


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 fireheart13 November 2 2015, 20:39:09 UTC

He must have dozed off before Dean left, because the next time he opened his eyes, the room was empty. Unfortunately, he'd woken up due to fresh jagged pains arcing inside him. He groaned out loud, turning on his side and curling up, wrapping his arms around his torso. Acrid bubbles churned in his stomach, and he knew he was going to vomit any second. He barely made it out of bed, grabbing the wastepaper basket and retching so hard he thought his eyes might pop right out.

When he was done, he lay on the floor, feeling too dizzy and weak to attempt getting into the bed. He was sweating heavily; his skin felt hot to his own palm, and his t-shirt was soaked through.

This isn't flu. He pushed himself into a sitting position, back against the bed, and fumbled around on the nightstand for his phone. He cursed as he grasped it an it slipped from his shaky fingers. Clicking it on, he swiped on Dean's number and thumbed sick need help. Before he let the phone drop, he managed one more word.

sorryThe next time his eyes opened, they felt ( ... )


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 quickreaver November 2 2015, 21:10:57 UTC
YOU ARE SO FAST! And perfectly delightful! Dean was most excellent in this, from checking his teeth in the mirror to popping into view as Sam came 'round in the hospital. I just loved him! I loved it all.

Kudos all over the place to you!


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 firesign10 November 3 2015, 01:36:53 UTC
thank you!!! i laughed when i saw your prompt, especially the "i have no idea " lol!! i had to give it a shot, and i had to be at work by 4 too. It was fun (aaawww poor sam) and i'm super glad you enjoyed it!!


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 hugglewolf November 2 2015, 23:06:47 UTC
Poor Sam! Well done, nice wee slice of hurty comfort there and awesome big brother!Dean!


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 firesign10 November 3 2015, 01:37:36 UTC
thank you so much!!! :-D


(The comment has been removed)

RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 firesign10 November 3 2015, 01:38:22 UTC
thank you!! so glad you liked it!!


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 tarotgal November 3 2015, 02:12:26 UTC
Awwwwwwww! Ihad my gallbladder out last year, so I totally feel him on this one. I loved his snappy dialogue even though he feels like crap. Love that he tries to hold it together long enough for his brother to be gone so it won't completely ruin the vacation. And I love that Dean is perfectly happy just to have his brother taken care of.

But I especially love the description of the bed. I can just feel those sheets! Aw, Sammy.

Well done!


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 firesign10 November 4 2015, 19:51:21 UTC
Haha! Their sybaretic are so far between. And yeah, he wanted Dean to have his fun :-D so pleased you enjoyed it!


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 milly_gal November 3 2015, 10:54:23 UTC
absolutely fabulous honey! *huggles this fic*


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 firesign10 November 4 2015, 19:51:44 UTC
Thank you, sweetheart!!


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 amberdreams November 3 2015, 14:59:05 UTC
Speedy gonzalez! :D Poor sick Sammy - pretty much a perfect H/c ficlet!

My Dad had gall stones while we were on holiday in Egypt, never told us he wasn't feeling that great, even though he'd gone a bit jaundiced - even his eyeballs were yellow! Luckily it didn't really kick in until after he got home...


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 firesign10 November 4 2015, 19:52:34 UTC
I haven't had it myself, but seen friends with. :-( Thank you, bb!!!!


RE: FILLED: Sick City 2/2 madebyme_x November 3 2015, 15:51:38 UTC
Loved it!!!! From the spot on vocob ("Unleash the Cracken!"), Dean checking himself out in the mirror, poor Sam and the hurty goodness, to Dean's face when Sam wakes up! Perfect - just perfect!

Thank you for sharing :)


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