It's finally here, part 2 of my epic Luke and Noah picspam! I intended to post this over the past weekend but I just didn't have enough time to get it done. I am relieved it's over now, though. It is a very exhausting process but I think the end result is worth it. And I'm definitely not complaining for having to spend hours staring at pics of these two. Was no chore, I tell you. And they're too adorable for words(had me smiling through the whole thing :D). They'll forever be one of my biggest OTPs. <3
Part 2 is even bigger than part 1 which means, NOT DIAL-UP FRIENDLY. lol
here is a link to part 1 if you missed it. :)
Luke: I really missed you.
Noah: The feeling's mutual. I mean, the trip was great. It was amazing, but every time I saw something that blew me away, I just wanted to turn to you and say, "Did you see that?"
Luke: Well, if you ever want to go back and take me with you, I'd be all for that.
Luke: Noah, promise me something. Never go away without me again. 'Cause even though things are such a mess right now, having you here, it just, makes it easier.
Noah: I promise.
Luke: Well, then, what is he saying? That I'm some self-absorbed, spoiled brat?
Noah: No. He's saying that there's more to you than just being gay. Besides that, you're a writer, you're a big brother. You're an athlete. You're a college student. Hey, I love you, and that has very little to do with the fact that you're gay.
Luke: Well, I think it helps.
Noah: Maybe a little.
Luke: Well, you know what else I am?
Noah: Really, really cute?
Noah: So, that's him, huh? The Kevin, the one you were in love with in high school?
Luke: Yes. The one who freaked out when he found out I was gay.
Noah: He has clammy hands.
Luke: Okay, Noah, don’t. And I don't look at him like that. We're fine now.
Luke: Look, Noah, you want to know why I'm doing this? It's for you.
Noah: Me?
Luke: Yes. You really, really care about this festival, and you've always wanted to be a filmmaker, and even when your father said that it was a waste of time to study it, you did it anyways. And it's not a waste, and I want to prove that, and I want to have this festival here next year so that you can submit a movie and that you can win.
Noah: You already sound like a politician.
Luke: Scared?
Noah: Yeah, a little.
Luke: What would I have to do to get your vote?
Luke: If I can prove to just one of those losers that I have every right to be in this race, and that we have every right, to live in the exact same world as them, then I think it's worth it.
Noah: When you put it like that, I can't argue with you. I just don't want you to get hurt.
Luke: Well, with you behind me, I can take anything they dish out.
Noah: You've got to let it go.
Luke: I can’t. And why are you so afraid to see what this really is?
Noah: It's student government, Luke.
Luke: No, it's so much more than that. And you're so scared, you can't even admit it.
Noah: You think I'm scared of those schoolyard bullies?
Luke: Yeah. I'm starting to, yes.
Luke: Why are you so mad at me?
Noah: I'm not mad. Okay, I just don't like what this election is doing to you.
Luke: It's not the election. It's Kevin. You think I still have feelings for him.
Noah: He was your first love.
Luke: That is the furthest thing from the truth.
Noah: No, whether he felt the same for you or not, you never get over your first. I know, because I know I'll never get over mine.
Luke: You don't have to, Noah. Whatever Kevin was, it's nothing to how I feel for you.
Noah: Then why are you so invested in this?
Luke: I don't know. I guess it brings up a lot of memories.
Noah: Well, that's all they are, Luke. Just memories. Don't make them bigger than that.
Noah: You should be proud no matter what happens. I've got to go drop off a paper for class, but I'll meet you at Al's later?
Luke: Sure.
Noah: Hey, you're still a winner to me.
Noah: This is getting way too personal. What is it about Kevin that pushes your buttons so much?
Luke: I just can't let him do this to me again.
Noah: Do what?
Luke: Make me feel like a nonperson.
Noah: Are you kidding me? You are 100 times a better person than he is. That's what knocked me out about you. How honest you are. How comfortable with yourself you are. I would not be who I am today if it wasn't for you, so don't let some hypocrite like Kevin change that about you.
Luke: I guess these old wounds go a lot deeper than I thought they did. I see Kevin doing what he's doing, and how it's so easy for him to just bash me, or bash anyone, for that matter, because he feels like he's entitled. And it just, it brings up all these feeling of hurt and self-doubt that he made me feel in high school, and I don't want to feel that again, Noah. I don't want to feel that ever again. Nobody should.
Noah: What about what you did to everyone else? What about the people who really voted?
Luke: Okay, Mr. Righteous. Will you please tell me when my boyfriend gets back? Because I'd really like to talk to him.
Noah: Yeah, well, funny enough, he feels the same way.
Luke: Can't you just let this go?
Noah: Fine. I will. Enjoy your dinner.
Luke: I'm proud of myself for beating them at their own game.
Noah: Good. Good for you. Just wish I could respect you for it.
Luke: I love you. I love you even though you're mad at me. I love you even though you don't respect me right now. And I know what I did upset you, and for that, I am so sorry. But Noah, there's nothing I can do about that now. And what I need, what I need to know is that we, that you and I, are okay. Can you please put your cell phone down and look at me?
Noah: I just got a call from Dean Brewster’s office. He wants to see me.
Luke: Well, what are you going to say?
Noah: What do you want me to say?
Luke: That as far as you know, I ran a clean campaign.
Noah: So, you want me to lie? Is that what you're asking me to do?
Luke: No, I'm just, yes. Yes, Noah, I am asking you to lie. For me. Please.
Noah: Well I don't think I can. Luke, you're the one thing I don't think I can lie about.
Noah: Luke, I couldn't lie.
Luke: Even though I asked you, I begged you to let this go?
Luke: I just don't understand why you had to say anything at all?
Noah: Because I love you! Okay, that's why I can not lie about you.
Luke: You love me? I can't even look at you right now.
Noah: Luke, you know what? Maybe, maybe we both need some space.
Luke: There you go again with your space.
Noah: Do you want me to stay?
Luke: No. No, for once I agree with you. Go! If you don't want to be here, Noah, you should just go!
Luke: What ever happened to standing up for each other, no matter what? I really believed in that, but I guess, I guess all bets are off when the going gets tough.
Noah: You really don't get it, do you?
Noah: I love you, but I'm not going to lie for you. I'm also not going to encourage you to be anything less than the person I know you can be
Luke: I thought I could trust you.
Noah: And I thought I could trust you. I guess we were both wrong.
Luke: I'm not perfect. Nobody is. I can be a complete jerk sometimes. I'm paying for what I did. I can't change what I did, but I'm trying to make it better. Isn't that good enough?
Noah: I don't know.
Luke: Well, you're not perfect, either.
Noah: I am not looking for perfection.
Noah: I'm sorry, Luke. But you've got some serious issues with that guy who happens to be a complete jerk by the way. But you acted even worse than he did. And until you figure out why, I don't think we can be together.
Luke: Noah...?
Noah: If this is too awkward, me being here...
Luke: No, no, are you kidding? I mean, I hate the reason, but I am so glad you came. I was hoping that you wouldn't be away for too long.
Noah: Um, I'm sorry, I came to give these to Lucinda. I didn't know or expect to see you here.
Luke: Please stay with me. I just want things to be like the way they were.
Noah: How, Luke? I couldn't keep you from cheating the election. I couldn't keep you from getting drunk and risking your life tonight. How can it be the same? All I can do is keep you from hurting anybody else. No driving for you. Go to bed. Get some sleep.
Luke: Damn it, Noah! You can't walk out on me!
Noah: You did the right thing. The kind of thing the guy I fell in love with would do.
Luke: You haven't said something like that to me in a long time.
Noah: Well, I can't let you beat yourself up for something that's not your fault, so...
Luke: Thanks for listening.
Noah: You're welcome. What are you doing right now? Because I've got the rest of the day off. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out?
Noah: I miss talking to you. I miss you.
Luke: I've made such a mess out of so much lately. You remember last Christmas, how close we were?
Noah: Yeah.
Luke: I just, I want to get back to that.
Noah: I know you do. And if it makes things any better, that is what I want, too.
Noah: I know a watch isn't the most inventive of gifts. But I just figured it was something we both needed a little of lately. Time. It's engraved. Turn it over.
Luke: Worth the wait. How many times have we said that to each other?
Noah: I thought it fit. I mean, maybe it's a little cheesy.
Luke: No. Oh, Noah, this is perfect. I love it. Thank you.
Noah: Remember last Christmas in Emma’s kitchen?
Luke: Yeah, we were standing under the mistletoe. That was the first time I told you that I was in love with you.
Noah: And I said same here.
Luke: And it was very, very romantic. And here we are. A year later and it's still true, Noah. I am still so in love with you.
Noah: Same here.
Noah: Luke, you have no reason to be jealous of me and Maddie.
Luke: I know. But for some reason, today, it kind of came rushing back. You know, it was like you guys were back at square one, you know. Talking about all these old movies, finishing each other's sentences.
Noah: Yeah, but we're friends. Friends do that.
Luke: Noah, you're friends that used to sleep together.
Noah: Look, that part of my life is over. That's not me anymore.
Luke: You're not her lover.
Noah: No!
Luke: No. But you're not mine yet, either.
Noah: Hey, listen to me. Look at me. I love you. I want to be with you.
Luke: I want to be with you too.
Noah: I know we have a lot to work out. But there is no way I could ever feel for Maddie what I feel for you. Not even close.
Do you believe me?
Luke: I believe you.
Luke: Nice tie.
Noah: Thanks. My boyfriend gave it to me.
Luke: Yeah. Well, that's so, I'd have the excuse to do this.
Noah: Did you get my flowers?
Luke: Yeah, yeah. They were great. What was up with that letter? "Don't open until 2009."
Noah: Exactly what it says. You don't get to open that until tomorrow, when you wake up next to me.
Luke: So tonight really is the night?
Noah: Finally.
Luke: Dance with me? Oh, what's the matter, Noah? Are you afraid of sticking out in the crowd?
Noah: Not if it's with you.
Luke: Noah, that's not how it actually happened.
Noah: What do you mean? I saw it. He was kissing you. Luke, he started it, right? No. No, no, no, no. He, you wouldn't have done that.
Luke: Noah, I...
Noah: You wouldn't have done that to us. Why, Luke? Why?
Noah: I have got to get out of here.
Luke: Noah, Noah, I had a couple of drinks. I just...
Noah: Do not touch me!
Luke: Noah...
Noah: Dear Luke, if you followed my directions and didn't read this last night then it's the first day of 2009. We spent our first night together, and I'm lying in bed with you, watching you read this. Knowing me, I'm betting I didn't say everything you needed to hear last night. You've always been better with words than me. But I want to thank you, Luke, for being my love, for being my future. Happy New Year.
Noah: I don't think it's too much to ask for someone to remain faithful.
Luke: No, it's not. It only is when you add perfect to that list.
Noah: Don't make this my fault that you threw yourself at Brian.
Luke: I'm not, Noah. I'm just, I'm trying to explain to you why. With him, all I had to do was show up.
Noah: And that made you feel so great about yourself?
Luke: No. No, it didn’t. It made me feel like crap. I messed up, Noah, hard core. And I admit it. But it's kind of hard not to when you have somebody always watching over your shoulder, just waiting for you to mess up.
Noah: So, what, I'm supposed to just forget about what you did?
Luke: No. But what happened to loving people, faults and all? You know, trying to make it through the long haul? Is it too much to ask you to love me for me instead of who you want me to be?
Noah: Yeah, I do love you. That doesn't mean you get a free pass every time you do something wrong. With love comes responsibility.
Luke: You sound like your father.
Noah: I love how you slam me whenever I point out something you did wrong.
Luke: I'm not slamming you, Noah. It's just, in my family, when you love somebody, it's unconditional.
Luke: I don't know. I guess even coming from a loving family, I'm still messed up and insecure. But you know, so are you, or you would've believed me when I said that what happened with Brian was a huge mistake. And that it meant nothing.
Noah: Yeah, maybe you're right. We're both messed up.
Luke: So, instead of pointing out each other's faults, maybe we could try to help each other?
Noah: Maybe the answer isn't trying to fix us as a couple. Maybe the answer is to focus on fixing ourselves so we can stop hurting the people we care about.
Luke: So, we just go our separate ways for the good of, I don't even know what it's for the good of. Noah, I don't know how to do that.
Luke: Well, you know what, Noah? She has a point. You guys are kind of alike.
Noah: Oh, yeah, like you're Mr. Perfect, all of a sudden? You can't stop drinking, you're throwing yourself at men who are twice your age and happen to be married to someone you say you respect!
Luke: Well, at least I apologize. I'm not too stubborn to admit that I'm wrong or too selfish!
Noah: Selfish?
Luke: Yes! You're selfish with your feelings. You push me away over and over again. You have all these stupid excuses, like your father, or your military upbringing, or whatever. But the truth is, you're just too scared to let anyone get close to you! Why are you so scared, Noah?
Noah: I'm not.
Luke: Yes, you are! You can't let somebody love you and just love them back. Why not? Why can't you just go with your feelings and just do it, just feel what you're feeling and just let it go...
Noah: You know, I'm really glad we waited.
Luke: Why? 'Cause I don't look like that anymore?
Noah: No. I know we did wait for a long time, but it was worth it. Are you happy?
Luke: Happy doesn't even begin to cover it.
Luke: We never talked about moving in together? No, we've talked about it like 8 million times. We've talked about where the apartment will be, what it'll look like, whether we'll get a dog.
Noah: Someday. That was a "Someday" conversation. Call me crazy, I always figured that would be, you know, when I finish school. You know, found a job, bought a car.
Luke: But why? Why do we have to wait? I mean, if we want to spend the rest of our lives with each other.
Noah: Because living together is not something you just do on the spur of the moment, okay? Especially not before discussing it with the person you plan on living with.
Luke: What is your problem, Noah?
Noah: Oh, my problem.
Luke: Yeah. You're constantly on me about doing something with my life. And then when I get off my butt and get some initiative, you freak out.
Noah: I am not freaking out, okay? I am doing quite the opposite. I'm just trying to be logical here.
Noah: When we get our own place, I want it to be truly ours. You know, I want us to split the rent. You know, equal share, 50/50.
Luke: That sounds so good.
Noah: Which part?
Luke: You said when we get our own apartment. You didn't say if, you said when.
Noah: That's cause it's going to happen.
Luke: Do you promise?
Noah: Yeah, I promise. Especially if you get me an awesome Valentine’s Day present.
Noah: Yeah? Great, Brian. Thanks. I really appreciate it.
Luke: Brian?
Noah: Lewis, not Wheatley. He agreed to trade shifts with me in case you were planning something for Valentine’s Day.
Luke: Oh, I'm in charge of Valentine’s Day?
Noah: You are now.
Jade: Oh, you guys make me ill.
Luke: And you're just jealous.
Noah: One person already died, I don't want you to be next.
Luke: Noah, let's not be dramatic.
Noah: Hey, if Elwood really did do what you think he did, he's a pretty dangerous guy. We don't know what he's capable of.
Luke: Look...
Noah: I can't lose you!
Luke: Noah, I am going to be fine. But Reg was our friend. He was one of us. And I don't want anyone to think for one second that his death didn't mean anything.
Noah: Are you ever going to talk to me?
Luke: I just can't believe you did it to me again. First the dean. Now my parents.
Noah: I was trying to...
Luke: Help me? Funny how whenever you do that, things always seem to get worse.
Noah: There's nothing more you can do.
Luke: I don't believe there is nothing more. I don't think you do either.
Noah: I told you before, I don't want to lose you.
Luke: Don't you get it? This could gave been me.
Noah: You never took drugs.
Luke: I drank. There's not much difference. And I remember what it was like when I did, how all I wanted to do was forget. Someone could have offered me a way out just like they offered Reg and I would've taken it.
Noah: I don't want anything to happen to you. I kind of love you and would like to keep you around.
Luke: Well, hey, I kind of love you too. And I'm going to be fine.
Noah: Promise?
Luke: Yeah. I promise.
Luke: You're coming with me?
Noah: I don't have a choice.
Luke: Well, I don't get it. Every other time I've tracked down a lead, you stayed away.
Noah: Yeah, exactly. And every other time, something's gone wrong. And I'm not going to take that chance again. I love you, Luke. And I'm not going to let you get hurt.
Luke: Well, I love you, too. But I'm not going to get hurt. I'm meeting him in a public place.
Noah: I don't care. Someone's got to keep an eye on you.
Luke: Noah, I'm glad that that someone is you.
Noah: Figuring out what to do with your life is hard work. It doesn't just happen, you know? You try something, it doesn't work out, you try something else.
Luke: Is that what you're doing?
Noah: Well, I guess that's what college is for. So, when people tell you, maybe you should go back to college, it's because you probably should go back to college.
Luke: Yeah, maybe. I just don't think so. But speaking of college, don't you have a mid-term that you have to study for?
Noah: I do. Are you going to be okay?
Luke: Yeah. Yeah, if I want somebody to tell me to go back to college, I'll call one of my parents. Or my grandmother. Or my other grandmother. Or my aunt, or my uncle, or my little brother.
Noah: Okay. You know, I get your point.
Luke: Look, I'll see you around.
Noah: Uh, Luke? Nah, you'll figure it out.
Luke: Yeah. Sure.
Luke: What are you so happy about?
Noah: I'm proud of you.
Luke: Proud of me? Cause I showed up? That's not something to be so proud of.
Noah: Yeah it is, considering the way you've been acting. Believe me it is. But today, at that meeting, you were yourself again.
Noah: You know who you reminded me of today?
Luke: Who?
Noah: The guy I first met. First thing I remember about you is just how comfortable you were in your own skin. And that was so amazing to me.
Luke: Well, you were pretty amazing to me, too.
Noah: I was a mess. I was half in the closet, and half in denial. I was lucky if I remembered my own name.
Luke: Yeah, well, I knew you'd get past that.
Noah: If I did, it was because of you. And watching you go through all this, I just wanted to tell you that you are still the man you were when we first met. I didn't know how to help you get it back. But you did it yourself, today.
Luke: What didn't work out, though, was, uh, last night. That didn't exactly go as we planned.
Noah: I can't believe my roommate came home so early.
Luke: Yeah, he has really bad timing.
Noah: Yeah, dorms aren't exactly known for privacy. But I think I've got a solution.
Luke: Hmm?
Noah: Why don't you move in with me?
Luke: Are you serious about this? You really want to move in together?
Noah: Well, I have to move out in a few months anyway when the semester's over. I just figure we could try living together this summer, you know, sublet and see how it goes.
Luke: That's amazing. I thought I'd have to wait years for you to come around.
Luke: I cannot wait for our first night in our new apartment together. We can just look around and be like, "This is ours. This is all ours."
Lily: I was wondering when the two of you were gonna move in together.
Holden: Congratulations. Have you guys started looking for a place?
Noah: We were just getting to that part.
Luke: We hit a roadblock.
Lily: Well, listen, if the rents are too high...
Luke: No, no, it's not that. Noah found an amazing apartment.
Noah: Yeah.
Luke: But the landlord just won't rent it to us.
Holden: How come?
Noah: Cause we're gay.
Lily As we've shared Luke's experiences these last few years, I've come to realize two things. First, many families have experienced what we have, and the more information they have, the less painful for everyone.
Luke: Actually, I'd like to defend my parents a little bit here. When I came out, it wasn't as bad as lots of kids have it. You know, lots of families cut their kids out completely.
Lily: Well, Luke is still my son, but even if he weren't, the idea that someone can be discriminated against simply because of who they were born to be is unacceptable to me. This country was built on the belief that we're all created equal, and that people are still denied equal rights is an ongoing shame.
Kim: You know, Lily, how wonderful this is. You have turned that all around, and here you are working with your son as an activist.
Lily: Yeah, well, Luke and I have come full circle. I've taught my son to fight for his rights, and I am proud to do it with him.
Luke: This is what I've always wanted since I ran for student government, until I messed that all up. So it feels really good to have a second chance to fight for people who can't fight for themselves. But I can't do it without you. I don't want to.
Luke: Hey! Can you believe this turnout, especially on such short notice?
Noah: Oh, I am not surprised. You have a way of getting people to do what you want.
Luke: Well, not everyone.
Noah: I'm sorry your parents aren't here.
Luke: Well, you know what? You are. And that's enough for me.
Noah: Now get up there and work your magic.
Noah: I'll keep the momentum going.
Luke: I knew I could count on you.
Noah: I can't promise to inspire the masses the way you and your mom do.
Luke: Well, you inspire me every day.
Noah: You sure you're okay?
Luke: Yeah, I'm better now that you're here.
Noah: Did I just hear your mom say "Damian"?
Luke: Yeah. As in Damian Grimaldi. My father.
Noah: I can't believe that was the infamous Damian Grimaldi.
Luke: Why? It's not what you expected?
Noah: To be honest, I don't know what I was expecting. I never thought I'd actually meet him.
Luke: And you won’t.
Noah: What do you mean?
Luke: I don't want anything to do with him, Noah.
Noah: I am gonna go to Java, and I'm gonna get someone to cover my shift, and I'm gonna be over to your place as soon as I can, okay?
Luke: Yeah, will you hurry? I'm afraid they're gonna smother me to death.
Noah: Hey. Don't talk about death.
Luke: What? I just got hit by a car.
Noah: Yeah, and thankfully, you've got a head that's hard enough to take it.
Noah: I love you.
Luke: I love you, too.
Luke: I just don't know why he's come back. If he wants something from me. I almost lost everyone I love because of him.
Noah: Hey. You're never gonna lose me. Ever.
Noah: Maybe he's telling the truth about this.
Luke: What? So, it's just some fluke that he shows up in Oakdale right as I get hit by a car, and it's a double fluke that he stops by the house right before it gets broken into?
Noah: I don't know, and neither do you.
Luke: You know, that is one of things I really love about you. You totally go for that whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing.
Noah: I thought you did, too.
Luke: Most of the time. Some people don't deserve it, though.
Noah: Maybe this time someone does.
Luke: Are you all right?
Noah: Yeah, I'm fine.
Luke: Oh, there's blood all over your shirt.
Noah: It's Damian's.
Luke: Are you sure? Oh, baby, baby, you're shaking.
Noah: I guess it's just everything catching up to me.
Luke: Well, do you want to, do you want to go sit down?
Noah: No, no. Luke, Damian said he thinks the people who did this to him, they weren't after him. They were after you.
Luke: What?
Noah: If this happened to you, if this was your blood on my shirt...
Luke: Hey, hey. Its okay, it's okay. I'm okay. Do you want to, do you want to go somewhere? Let's get you out of here.
Noah: You know, I saw the storyboards for the commercials. They look pretty cool.
Luke: We should get you to direct it!
Noah: No. That would be nepotism.
Luke: Oh, come on. You're part of the foundation, too.
Noah: No. But this is about housing discrimination and hate crimes. We don't want to make it about my directing career.
Luke: Yeah, but I want to help everybody, including my boyfriend.
Noah: Zac kissed me.
Luke: What?
Noah: Zac kissed me. Don't worry. It was harmless.
Luke: Are you serious?
Noah: It came out of the blue. It's not gonna happen again. He got no encouragement. I mean none.
Luke: Oh, man. I knew he had a thing for you.
Noah: It was no big deal.
Luke: No big deal? Last time you saw someone kiss me, you punched him in the face.
Noah: That was so different. Are you jealous?
Luke: Should I be?
Noah: Luke, come on! The guy's a total flake!
Luke: Yeah, but he's a total flake that has a massive crush on you.
Noah: Well, he knows it's going exactly nowhere, so can we just forget it ever happened? It never happened.
Luke: You know what? It's not that I don't like Damian. It's that I loathe him. Why can't you understand that?
Noah: I just don't see why it has to be so extreme. Your mother tolerates him. I mean, she's a good judge of character.
Luke: Yeah, but she was in love with him.
Noah: Yeah, so?
Luke: So? Okay, if we ever broke up, even if it was 20 years form now, even if you had dumped me, even if you had betrayed me, you'd still get to me, Noah.
Noah: Yeah.
Adding this scene just for Luke's amazing facial expressions. lol
Noah: Don't you think it's weird the way Zac and Zoe were hitting on us? It's like they decided beforehand who was gonna be into who.
Luke: Maybe they drew straws.
Noah: It's not funny.
Luke: Noah, do you remember what you told me when they first started volunteering at the foundation? You said that they were harmless.
Noah: Well, I was wrong.
Luke: No, I don't think you were. I just think they're a couple of weird kids who got a lot of attention for being so weird. Now they just can't let it go.
Noah: Yeah, that's what I thought before, but tonight went way past "Weird."
Luke: Noah, I really think you're taking this way too seriously.
Noah: Look, we were just both fighting so much over Damian.
Luke: I don't care about Damian. I care about you. Why are you doing this?
Noah: Please, don't be mad at me.
Luke: It's just, you do this all the time. You just leave.
Noah: Damian, he's your father, your family. I shouldn't be involved.
Luke: Noah, you're my family. And I'm yours.
Luke: I can't believe Noah's been kidnapped! What if they've hurt him?! Where can he be?
Holden: We need to figure out what we're gonna do here.
Luke: What we're gonna do? We're gonna give them money!
Holden: No, there might be another way.
Luke: Dad, I'm not taking chances with Noah's life.
Luke: Noah, when I thought you were gone, I was going crazy. I missed you so much.
Noah: Me too. The worst part was knowing how worried you'd be about me. I wanted to just tell you that everything was gonna be okay, and I couldn’t.
Luke: When I thought you had left, I...
Noah: When they made me call you, they told me what to say.
Luke: No, I know.
Noah: I'd never hurt you like that.
Noah: I just can't believe I got you involved in this.
Luke: No, no. There is nowhere that I would rather be than here with you. We're in this together.
Noah: I love you.
Luke: I love you, too.
Noah: If only one of us can get out of here, it should be you. You came here on your own. You know where we are. I don’t.
Luke: Yeah, well, I'm not leaving without you, so you better work fast. You know, this would actually be almost kind of fun if we weren't fighting for our lives.
Noah: It's always something, right? Maybe we can make it more interesting.
Luke: How so?
Noah: First one who doesn't cut an artery wins, loser cleans up.
Luke: Oh, you're disgusting.
Noah: Yet somehow you still love me.
Luke: Somehow.
Luke: Noah? Noah? Please. I'm so sorry. I am so sorry.
Luke: We are gonna get out of here, we're gonna get you to a hospital, and then my dimples are gonna be yours forever.
Noah: That's good, 'cause I'm pretty sure Zac's lost interest in mine.
Luke: I love you so much.
Noah: I love you, too. I'm gonna go back to sleep, okay?
Luke: No. Noah, Noah, Noah, don’t. Don't, please.
Noah: I am. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere.
Luke: No! Please, Noah! Please, wake up! Noah!
Luke: Hey, there.
Noah: Hey, there, yourself.
Luke: Listen, I should probably thank you for saving me from a fate worse than death, but next time, please, please don't try and be a hero.
Noah: I didn't do that for you. I just couldn't stand to see the psycho slut with her hands all over my boyfriend.
Luke: I love you.
Noah: I love you, too.
Luke: Well, the shoe is on the other foot now, Mayer. You have to let me take care of you.
Noah: Mm. I like the sound of that.
Luke: Down, boy. I was talking about like changing your bandages and stuff.
Noah: Oh. I was thinking more along the lines of physical therapy.
Luke: Not on my parents' porch. But don't worry. Soon, we are gonna have a place of our own.
Noah: Wow.
Luke: Yeah. "Wow."
Noah: I could see myself living here, feeling comfortable. I mean, or at least eventually. Hey! Do you want to move here?
Luke: Yeah. How about tomorrow?
Noah: No, I'm serious. I mean, we could finish school here. We could get our own place. We could start our own lives here.
Luke: That sounds great.
Noah: But?
Luke: But I got to be honest with you. I can't picture myself here, at least not permanently. Maybe I'm just too attached to my family.
Noah: I understand that. I mean, you guys are really close.
Luke: Well, maybe we can move here later, like way later, like 10 years from now.
Noah: So you see yourself with me in 10 years, huh? Is that a proposal, Mr. Snyder?
Luke: In your dreams.
Luke: Well, you know, when one has a big decision to make, you do what one must do.
Noah: What?
Luke: Take a step back and relax.
Noah: Ah, relax.
Luke: Mm-hmm.
Noah: Here? Is anyone home? Your mom, Dad, Damian, Meg?
Luke: Miraculously, no. We are all alone. So, could I interest you in relaxing with me?
Noah: Uh, I think I could be interested.
Noah: What people are really gonna be that interested in me and my life?
Luke: Well, I guess you're asking the wrong person, because I am very interested in everything about you.
Noah: Do we still have the house all to ourselves?
Luke: Yeah, we do. I just checked.
Noah: What are we gonna do? I can't work at Java 24/7, and I'm supposed to be spending more time with you. I mean, we're supposed to be moving in to our summer sublet.
Luke: I know, I know, but there's got to be something that I can do to help.
Noah: You've already done enough.
Luke: Well, I know. I am your producer, remember?
Noah: You are so much more than that.
Luke: I know. I'm also your camera guy.
Noah: You know what I mean.
Luke: If you don't want to take this money, we can give it back to Damian.
Noah: Look, I'm sorry. I know it wasn't easy for you to ask him.
Luke: I just really believe in this film, Noah, and you. I wanted you to get the money as quickly as possible. You're very, very talented. I want the whole world to be able to see it.
Noah: Thanks. I'm really sorry for coming down on you like that.
Luke: No, no, no. It's okay.
Noah: It's just, it probably had less to do with you and Damian and more to do with my father. I mean, making this film, it's brought up some heavy stuff.
Luke: Well, that's why it is such a powerful film, and if it gives you some sense of closure, well...
Noah: I’m making an entire documentary about how my father affected my life. I can't just stop every time I get sad.
Luke: It must be hard for you to try to put it all together in your head. It's obvious that he loved you.
Noah: Oh, yeah. He loved me.
Luke: He did. You can tell from all of the things he did for you and with you.
Noah: And how he murdered my mother and tried to murder you? He tried to take away the person that means more to me than anything else in this world. How am I ever gonna understand him?
Luke: You will. With this film, you will.
Luke: Hey. Are we in this together or not?
Noah: We're together. Of course. I mean, the only reason I'm doing this documentary is because you've been cheering me on. But going through all this stuff, pictures and memories, it's hard.
Luke: I know.
Noah: I would not be able to do this if you weren't behind me.
Luke: Well, I am. Every step of the way.
Luke: If you let him go, he will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Noah: If I don't, he'll haunt me just the same. He's my father, Luke!
Luke: Not really. Not in the way a father's supposed to be. He taught you to be afraid. Everything that made you the wonderful person that you are, he tried to squash.
Luke: Noah, you have to do this, otherwise you'll spend the rest of your life wondering what he's doing and who he's hurting in the name of what he thinks is right.
Luke: You know, you can be honest with me. I can take it.
Noah: Oh, really?
Luke: Yeah.
Noah: So what would you do if I were to tell you that I was having second thoughts?
Luke: Oh, I would freak out.
Noah: See? You are so predictable.
Luke: Is that what it is?! You don't want to be stuck for life with good-old, boring, uninteresting Luke?
Noah: Hey, all I said was "Predictable."
Noah: What?
Luke: What what?
Noah: What's that look?
Luke: It's just really happening.
Noah: Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Noah: I think I've been kidding myself thinking that I could put my father behind me. I don't think I ever will.
Luke: He can't get to you anymore, Noah. He's locked up. He's not getting out.
Noah: It doesn't matter where he is. He's in my head all the time.
Luke: So, uh, what was this mysterious errand you had to run?
Noah: For you.
Luke: Oh.
Noah: Go ahead, open it. It's a little back to school present. Your old one's so beat up, I think it's time for you to have a little image upgrade.
Luke: Yeah.
Noah: Um, you could exchange it.
Luke: No, no. It's great. I, um, I love it. The thing is, I'm not going back to school.
Noah: I thought we were getting our lives started.
Luke: Look, Noah. I don't understand why this is such a big deal? I mean, maybe I'll go back to college in the future, if I want to. But right now, the only thing that makes sense is working for Damian. And being with you.
Noah: I thought that when you were in a couple, you didn't make life-altering decisions without talking it out with each other.
Luke: We are talking.
Noah: No. Okay, you're telling me. There's a big difference. You went ahead and did whatever it is that you wanted to do without thinking about me at all. And how's that supposed to make me feel?
Noah: I had no idea that you were having doubts about going back to school. It's not like you to keep something this huge from me.
Luke: I wasn’t. I didn't know I was having doubts either. And then I started talking to Damian, and he asked me all these questions, and I just realized, Noah, that I am not happy.
Noah: Happy, um, just with school?
Luke: Yes, oh, God, yes, Noah. Oh, I am so happy with you.
Noah: Well, me, too.
Luke: Well, good. I hope so. Because this is what I want to do with my life. And I'd like to know that you support me.
Luke: Noah, I'm glad you're here. Look, I really have to talk to you. I am so sorry about how I handled that college stuff, you know. It’s just that I've never been in a relationship before, and I'm going to make mistakes sometimes, but I should have talked to you first before I made these plans, because Noah, you are the most important person to me in the world and I want you to be part of all of my plans. I want you to be a part of everything. No, please. Let me finish. I'm not going to go back to college. I don't want to. I want to work for Damian and more importantly, I want to get to know Damian. And this is something that you have been encouraging me to do all along, and you were right. So please, please, please don't freak out.
Luke: Here.
Noah: What?
Luke: I can't take this. This was meant...
Noah: I exchanged it for neck ties. You're going to need it.
Luke: Noah, you are so cute when you're jealous.
Noah: Okay, do not try and charm your way out of this. That was not a business dinner.
Luke: Oh, come on, Noah. You can't honestly think that I'm falling for a girl.
Noah: I don't, but maybe Damian thinks that you just haven't met the right one yet.
Luke: You know what? I thought that when I showed up and Sara was here, but it's not true at all, and you were invited, remember?
Noah: Well, maybe that was just a ploy to throw you off.
Luke: Why does everybody think that Damian has ulterior motives? Why can't he just be trying to get to know me? I mean, you were all for that before I took this job.
Noah: Yeah, but maybe I was being naive.
Luke: Noah, give me a little bit of credit. I'm going home with you tonight, like I'm going to do for the rest of my life. So you might as well get used to it.
The End!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to view this whole picspam and an even bigger thank you to everyone who left a comment. It's so nice to see I didn't do this all for nothing. You guys are the best so thank you! There will definitely be a part 3 after we get some new episodes or when the show is canceled, so it's not really over yet. ;)
+ Screencaps from
here and
here+ A special thanks to
this site for providing the transcripts for all the quotes I used. I don't know what I would have done without this site. :)
+ Please don't use the caps for graphics or anything. It took me a great deal of time to color them and make them all pretty. Thank you. :)
+ Feel free to steal the gifs. Credit is not necessary.