UC Berkeley has the world's premiere collection on Mark Twain - and Yale an unmatched trove of rare medieval manuscripts. But for research on Capt. Kirk, Frankenstein or Harry Potter, nothing tops the 110,000-volume Eaton collection at UC Riverside, the world's largest library of science fiction, fantasy and horror books
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Comments 15
I never could pick up an Octavia book again after reading Delany, Butler just came off as kid's stuff
really? can't they both just be totally freakin awesome at the same time?
also, your knocked up post was, like, the most awesome thing ever. not that i've seen the movie.
i just think the quality of writing in Butler is not up to snuff with other writers in general. i think it is awesome literature for that adolescent set and i think she was a great lady. heck my lj-name comes from the parable series. it's just in the long list of books i want to read i can't say any other ones of hers will make the cut this lifetime.
thanks for the kind words about the knocked up post. i really was that mad, and then i was mad that i was mad and i had to write. you and your posts are always top notch!
i agree that butler isn't much of a stylist, but i think her ideas are strong enough to render it kind of irrelevant. i also like that i can read one of her books rapid-fire in a few days and always get something out of it.
i can totally identify with being fighting-mad over movies. i was so mad after i watched requiem for a dream that people still avoid talking to me about it. i was pretty worked up after babel too, come to think of it. it's always the ones where i feel like i have something to SAY about why it was bad...
daigor0 might be able to chime in here....
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