I am taking some time off from lj, myspace, and facebook. I have found them to be distracting me from my goals. I need a little more focus right now. I love you all. If you need me I will be reachable by email and phone.
Had a great day! Only had a really bad 15 min in which my car got hit and I got pulled over. But otherwise I had a wonderful day! I cooked breakfast, made brownies, had some nookie, took a nap, visited, watched C work, did a little shopping. It was a fun filled day!
I hate it when I read craigslist and think I know somebody who post. I never know if I should reply or just ignore it. But then when I try to ignore it, it haunts me. I really am sleepy. I wish I had warm arms wrapped around me. I thought last night was a long night...I do believe tonight will be even longer.
M and I just signed up for dance lessons! Lol it took us 7 years and breaking up to be able to do this. I think that part is funny. I am excited and ready to have a little more clue about what I am doing. Oh and to learn the Cha-Cha!