so i was reading the fools & horses email today and i was looking at the dates they were playing and i just naturally kinda skipped over the ones that are 21+ and only really looked at the all ages shows (even tho i can't go cuz i'm in england but you know, habit
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i just emaile this out to a bunch of people, but i probs forgot people and some people didn't have email addressed on facebook (:::cough:::anne:::cough:::) so heres just the email of what i've done thus far in england. anyone who wants on the email list just end me your email address. thanks
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so i leave for the airport in less tahn an hour. then it's off to las vegas, then LA, then sydney then brisbane (i think). ugh. so much flying
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i feel like i have a lot to write about, like those moments where you're like "man i wanna write about that in my LJ", but i haven't and so now i don't remember all those things i wanted to write about
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i'm at job #2 right now. i actually have internet access here. sweet. we don't have internet in the house we are staying in right now. umm... quick update on my life i guess
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