I mainly wanted to post to apologise to the few of you that already have here added as I transferred all my entries over from theblackeyeddog and seeing as you can't backdate community entries, it meant a lot of entries all in a row here. Anyhow, they are all done now. And to make up for it (not sure it's really making up, but there you are) I'll post these few
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It's been a while! 'Tis the summer as of Thursday, so perhaps I shall make a few things over the breakishness? Then again, perhaps not as I am not here for all of it. But I may well make some more of these style things, especially of the Earl and if I can find any good new pictures of people. I started making some actual Rochestery icons for
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It's midnight and I don't know why I am posting this. Anyway, this is my first attempt at doing a colouring in thing from a black and white pic, so it's all just the same pic cropped and stuff and late so I will just post:
It's been a while since I posted anything. I don't really have so much time for making anymore and am not really likely to all that often. I did actually create a community thing which I thought perhaps I could post in while maybe sometimes then posting other actual stuff in here. It was ominousoddities (You know how everyone has that wondrously idealistic
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