Jan 03, 2011 11:57
Not only is it the first Monday of the month, it's the first Monday of the new year! How awesome is that?
The rules haven't changed:
1. Leave an anonymous secret.
2. Interact with other people leaving anonymous secrets.
3. Don't be a douchebag.
Happy New Year!
secrets monday
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Comments 38
My mom, who is barely even old enough to BE my mom, has cancer. I want to tell people about it, but I don't know how to broach the subject without feeling like I'm fishing for attention. Plus, then, I'd have to talk about it.
I'm in love with one of my best friends, and going through one of my periodic streaks where it's harder not to just blurt it out. And I absolutely can't tell him, not if I don't want to spook him completely. And I know this for a fact--it's not just self-doubt talking. Usually I'm okay with my feelings, but, sometimes... This situation is far more complex than I really have the words for, and there's nowhere at all online that I can talk about it ( ... )
I knew I had a lot on my mind, but it wasn't really until I spent all day yesterday trying to think of how to sort it out that I really knew HOW much, you know? Sheesh. No wonder I'm tired all the time.
"happy birthday mudda!!!! i love you so much. you are one of the greatest people i know in this world. you have an understanding of life and how to live that i hope to some day have. your deep desire and dedication to the faith is inspiring. your words and explanations helped me see the reason for dad leaving. you comforted me when i felt i couldn't be comforted. you've guided me through my whole life; protected me and loved me. you held my hand when i lacked strength. you lifted me up when i fell. thank you for being my rock =) i love you so much ♥ "
And I think, who the fuck is this awesome mother, and why didn't I get any of that?
Fuck you very much on your birthday, mom. You're a neglectful and abusive bitch who doesn't deserve to have my children as your grandchildren. I guess thanks for not involving yourself in their lives at all.
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