when i was a child my mom would make sandwiches for my brother and i. she would make herself a peanut butter and banana sandwich or sometimes peanut butter and crushed potato chips. my brother and i would always ask why and mom would explain that sometimes when she was in school or going to work she didn't have time to eat a sandwich and chips, so
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My fiance and i deal with the cold differently. She, being thinner and posessing poor circulation, is chilly a lot more than i am. I tend to be better able to handle the cold. My family has always had good circulation. It's in our blood, so to speak
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My fiance is learning to speak American Sign Language. this weekend she was teaching me some of the words and phrases she had learned and we were carrying on very basic conversations in complete silence, including throwing in jokes. at one point i asked her what one does about names, as it would be a pain to spell out C-A-R-L-Y-E each time i wanted
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a few years ago a friend asked me to help her move into her new apartment. i was told there were only a few things to move from the truck (a couple of couches etc) and that there would be pizza and hanging out afterwords. i agreed. when i got there, i met someone
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I was working in state government few years ago and needed some part time work. i looked through the Help Wanted ads and saw an ad for a porn clerk's position. Being the adventurous individual i am, i applied for the job
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my fiance's family farm is about 200 miles north of where i live. when we first started dating we didn't get to see one another nearly as much as we would have liked to, so we sent letters and post cards to one another in addition to lengthy phone conversations each night
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last year i made six_dollar_baby a quilt for christmas. all the squares were made out of t-shirts from Threadless.com (an awesome site for shirts if you've never checked it out). it was a simple concept, but it was fun to do make and i hoped that she would like it. That christmas she ave me a large present which turned out to be a quilt... that she had made out
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