Title: Tired Author: one_love123 Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Yewook(main), Kangteuk, Sichul Disclaimer: I don't own Super Junior Summary: Yesung can't sleep and everything is keeping his awake.(oneshot)
I'm sorry but i had to read it a second time, I think Yehwook fics are becoming extinct. Probably because they dont do much fanservice anymore.~~
Wait did you say you like Henwook also??!! OMG yes!!! *hands you milk for your cookie* I'm so gonna search your archive now muahahahah!!! >:) (no harm intended :3)
hahaha! -takes milk- thank you! i've recently signed up for livejournal, so i dont have a lot of fics yet. But i'll make sure to tell you if i ever write any more henwook or yewook fics!
Comments 13
Wait did you say you like Henwook also??!! OMG yes!!! *hands you milk for your cookie* I'm so gonna search your archive now muahahahah!!! >:) (no harm intended :3)
i've recently signed up for livejournal, so i dont have a lot of fics yet. But i'll make sure to tell you if i ever write any more henwook or yewook fics!
(hum, Shiwon and Heechul started pretty late, what were they doing before that? XD)
Lol, thanks for sharing, that made me smile!! (Sleeping!Ryeowook is cute X3)
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