Title: To The Sea Pairing: Any Male Pirate/ Any Female Civilian Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst Warnings: None Summary: Trying to persuade him to stay would never work.
I have my own pairing in mind, but feel free to tell me yours. :)
Title: I Still Miss Someone Fandom: One Piece Characters: Zoro/Nami, Perona, Mihawk Word Count: 7,910 Rating: PG Summary: While on Kuraigana Island, Zoro reflects on the person he misses the most.
Well, here's what I've got to offer in terms of het OP pairs:
Mr. 3 struggling with inappropriate feelings for his younger partner in (literal) crime, Miss Goldenweek. Inspired by all the Japanese fanart I found of them, which was cute and appealing as heck. I would've skipped over this pairing if it hadn't been for those talented
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Title: Mass x Acceleration Chapters: Prologue Rating: R Pairings: Eventually Summary: A pair of sick and injured drifters have washed up on the shores of Apple Island. The mayor and a handful of its residents do what they can to help.
Title: Order Up Fandom: One Piece Pairing: Zoro x Nami Word Count: 2,000 Rating: PG-13 for crude language Summary: Nami finds an interesting way to get Zoro to tell her he loves her. [--]