There is no need for words today - but i sure am having fun learning new ones by reading silly fluff short stories about really angsty thirty year old socialite women.
a special thank you to the lady who was really nice about me backing into her car (twas but a tap) in the ultra-dark parking garage, and also a special un-thank you to ALL the people in Boston who don't use their turn signals.
It took three days to (unrelatedly) read slaughterhouse five and watch 2001 a space odyssey, but they both were wonderful and exceeded expectations, which is rare for me - even when i have the lowest of low expectations, which i didn't in this case.
After dropping my bother and sister off in the woods where they could continue their hike of the Appalachian Trail, we drove out on a windy, bumpy road and as soon as we got back on pavement, I got car sick for the first time in over 15 years... which resulted in lot of laughter by all (including myself) about 5 minutes later.
Adjusting to having four people in our family is trickier with a sick one year old instead of a healthy one - you didn't think we'd be getting any sleep, did you?