hi. since last entry i started at Arcadia college f/t enrolled in Biology..its demanding. I also tore ligament/cartilage around my supraspinatus on New Yrs Day in the snowboard park and will be needing arthroscopic surgery..ill try to update more..things are hectic
What a strange Christmas..definitely one of the stranger ones.. Probably b/c the last 2 years i was spending it with someone and this year i didn't..but it wasn't even so much that.. it was warm and rainy for one..and only half my family was there..i dunno..i want to fast fwd to Jan 17th already..
Forgot to mention Arcadia starts on Jan.17th- 5 classes for 16 credit semester probably giving me over 80 credits by May 06.. [technically a junior at this point-sigh]
classes are 100-lvl to start: BIO102+lab foreign language fine arts and yes..another english class!?
Not thrilled about foreign language,more english and painting class but