Anyone else notice that in Ben's picture that there are three F's in giraffe?? Hehe, I just noticed it today and I was laughing so hard. Apparently none of us can spell correctly at one in the morning. Good times!!
At what point does it become compromise? This is a question that I have been struggling with here at Central. I figured I’d go into college and befriend everyone and try and be non-judgmental which I believe that I that I have done for the most part, no-ones perfect. But is there a point where you become too accepting?? I don’t know. My mom has
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I know it's been a long time since I've updated but please, don’t' break out with the halleluiah chorus, that's all I ask. I was just sitting here reading Rayna's last entry and thought I'd make an entry of my own even though I have an online test I have to take before class today. Looks like no lunch for me
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Okay, I know, I know. I'm a copycat! So kill me, gosh. Anyways you know what to do, or at least you will once you read what's below this. Have fun
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