Title: My Heart Wants To Come Home Pairing: Xiumin/LuHan, Kris/Lay, hinted!Sehun/Tao Genre: Romance, soulmates!au Length: approx. 4000w | one-shot Rating: PG-13 Summary: In which Lu Han keeps running and his soulmate keeps running away. ( continue )
I was grinning the whole time I was reading this. The idea of glowing when your soulmate is near is really awesome and I am craving for a longer one (more fanxing too hahah joke).
I am happy I still get to read something EXO from you. I thought it would be a while before you engage in something xiuhan or fanxing again. Thank you so much for writing this :)
Comments 4
I guess third time is really a charm.
I am happy I still get to read something EXO from you. I thought it would be a while before you engage in something xiuhan or fanxing again. Thank you so much for writing this :)
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