I have Snape! He is in my pocket!! _callmesir_! Can we still post our journal entries in the actual journals, to keep track of them, as well as in wtf_drarry? Just wondering! Sorry it took me so long to get his sn and to get here with it... ^^;
It's fine =) you can post to your journal if you want, makes no difference. We're just posting to wtf_drarry to make it easier for our readers ^^ you can also make "private" entries in your own journal, which basically means the other characters won't be reading whatever it is you mention - they can't comment, etc. Did that make sense?
Wow, this is a really old post. Back before I knew you guys. Craaaaazy stuff. But, anyway...can you add this journal? Awesome as Firefox is, I'd love not to have to log in as Remus or F&G to check stuff here.
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