January 24 - February 7
Everyone knows how ficathons work at this point, right? People put up prompts, people fulfill prompts, it's loads of fun.
You can interpret the TFLN prompt however you choose.
Prompts should be in the following format:
fandom - pairing/character - tfln
So, for example:
Sanctuary - John/Helen - (508): Excuse me but the alley way I wanted to fuck in happens to be a very nice clean area.
Private Practice - Addison/Amelia - (904): Champagne is a vitamin, right?
Babylon 5 - Susan Ivanova - (518): They put me in charge of something. Why the fuck would you look at me and put me in charge of something while i'm double fisting peach mimosas at a baby shower.
General guidelines:
1. All fandoms are go, including of-age RPF.
2. All pairings are welcome (het, slash, femslash, gen, threesomes, moresomes, solo work, etc).
3. Crossovers are also welcome!
4. One prompt per comment. No limit on prompts.
4a. No limit on how many fills a prompt can have. Someone already wrote it but you have a different idea? Go forth.
5. Unless otherwise specified by the prompter, all ratings are valid.
Texts From Last Night.
LJ's done really stupid things with the comments lately, so unfortunately you can't use the subject line anymore. :( Just put the pertinent info in bold at the top. I fixed my style so comments can have subject lines! Woo. Apologies for the wonky blank space between entry and comments; blame the sidebar.
To advertise with my truly crappy graphic - and please do so - copy/paste the text box below: (and speaking of the graphic, anyone want to help a girl out in that department? please?)
http://openended.livejournal.com/669696.html">http://i41.tinypic.com/2jct534.jpg" border="0"> If you're stuck on inspiration, I'd recommend checking out any of the TFLN blogs on Tumblr. They are of Absolute Quality.
PS: if you want, it's totally valid to use your own hilarious texts that have not made it onto TFLN.