MY CIGS ARE FUCKING GONE! Whoever took them I can understand this place is pretty fucked up and they do take the edge off- but you could have atleast asked first!! That was my last box!
Dude! My violin's gone too! Ok If this is a joke It's not funny! Who ever took my stuff you've obviously got a death wish.
Yeah, sorry I was gone for a while I had to get out. Thank you any body who got me a Birthday presant. So with that said and now that every one knows that I'm still alive I'll be going now ok bye!
I'm goint to be gone for a while. I'll be searching in the Forest of Doom for my bow if you need me... Let's hope I don't get eaten by a killer spider Bwahahaha!
18 more days until my Birthday! Just a heads up for those of you who don't know! *wink*
If you're thinking of getting me a present then please get me a new violin bow! T_T That dog took it and hid it in the "Forbidden Forest"!... And maybe a pack of cards... and food!
Those damn stairs keep changing whenever I need to use them. They're starting to make me sick. So tomorrow I'm waking up early and conquering those stairs! It'll make me feel a lot better if I can atleast get up and down without getting lost in the process.. Which seems to be happening to me a lot lately.
This Hogwarts thing is fucking confusing! It makes me want to wrap myself in an invisibility blanket and stay in the corner and do nothing
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Ok so I've been sitting here for the past three hours trying to make this Live Journal look nice. This is as good as it gets right now... peice of crap LJ...