It was really warm today - a bit hazy, but very nice out. This evening I went out for a run. Left around 6:30pm, and with the earlier daylights savings time, that left enough light for my hour-long run
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It was warm out today - I went for a run in the daylight's savings time late afternoon. Improved over last weekend on the 6 mile loop, I'm happy with it
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Friday morning, I woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep, so I went down to the gym around 6:30am
Treadmill for a few miles: 2.5 miles 1.0> 6:37 10 mins: 1.5 2.0> 6:53 / 13:30 2.2 -- died, got off for a few mins, then completed to 2.5 miles in 19:30
"what Sheriff Bat Masterson is quoted as saying about the rich and the poor: Everybody gets the same amount of ice -- the rich get theirs in the summer and the poor get theirs in the winter"