Title: Forget it the Next (Monthly Challenge - "Mistletoe") Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Ian/Anthony Genre: Angst, Violence Summary: (Side Story to "Words Unsaid") There’s something in Anthony that Ian knows. He pretends not to notice.
Wow! I felt like I was in that moment. What an amazing piece of writing, it made me happy, sad, confused, warm and fuzzy. It was all together just a beautiful story, The Mistletoe ending was absolutely perfect. Love it ! God I was shaking. Amazing!
Oh my god. That was amazing (as usual) but now I'm sad. :( BUUUUT that means it was good writing, and I really DID enjoy it mucho (as usual ;P). I loved the detail, imagery, emotion that it evoked. And it was unexpected for the monthly challenge, but AWESOME! Thank you for the fabulous fic, my dear <333
Comments 20
Ian should have been courageous and kept making out with Anthony. I wouldn't have minded that. ;D
You seem to be missing something... but you know what that is. xD
Just. No. >_>
Maybe one day when I'm feeling completely stupid and crazy.
I love your wrtiting!!!!!
(The comment has been removed)
And yeah! Maybe I can incorporate another part with the challenge! Awesome idea!
I'm glad you loved it XD thank you for reading as always <33
Thank you so much for reading!
BUUUUT that means it was good writing, and I really DID enjoy it mucho (as usual ;P). I loved the detail, imagery, emotion that it evoked. And it was unexpected for the monthly challenge, but AWESOME! Thank you for the fabulous fic, my dear <333
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