Playing the viola de gamba is relaxing. Unlike the goddamn violin. The point is to play songs and sound pretty unlike all that garbage about arm levels and arpeggios and whatnot
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This morning I was like, "Wow, the fact that we need to go to classes totally defeats the purpose of Lake Day." But, it was nice out, I stole some fried dough from my roommate, and therefore, Lake Day still rocks my universe
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Wow, livejournal is working again at Wellesley! How did this occur, and when? Freaky man, freaky. Right as I was like "Aww, if I ever want to go to vintagesex or tshirtsurgery again, it'll be a little bit impossible." How joyous
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Rebecca locked me out of the room this morning!! I had to call the PO(lice) (Oh Mr. Palma.. the POlice.. tear tear tear) in my towel and made Erica wait down at the bell desk for me
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The potatoes today in Stone-D had little faces. They were fried and scared me. I mean, I'm a veg so that my food won't have faces, really. So I had massive amounts of salad instead. (Erica can vouche. MASSIVE salad
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Last night I was blowing up a balloon, and making strange blowing plasticy noises. It was midnight, and Abby heard this and decided that there was a tiger in the room. "But who will walk the tiger?" she thought. But no. There was no tiger. It was a balloon
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I spent far too much time today trying to figure out the rhythm and time signiture for Hey Jude today (humming and smacking my pencil on my folder) when all I had to do was write out the notes. Geez. Music is sooo tedious. I already know half of it, and it's still tedious. Ahghghgh
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