I'm not really writing much, or any, fan fic at the moment. That might change, but I'm writing stories away from Buffy/Stargate. Finished a writing course, which was very fun. Got a job early last year, finally!
Been watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy, so I'm all interested in LOTR fanfic at the moment!
Thanks to 'herbskillz' for providing them and 'stygian_dream @ livejournal.com' for providing the other one; all due credits are noted in my journal :)
I'm now a couple of hundred words into the 20th chapter of NKotB; I've planned the chapter out and so far as I can tell there's no writers' block in the foreseeable future, yay!
As for my new, very short, story, I've written 1,500 words for that; I think that I might tinker with it for a bit though...and hope it doesn't blow up in my face.