Title: An Assortment of Reminisces Series: Red Light Author: aka_centimetre2. Rating: R/NC-17 Wordcount: 2,779 words in 6 drabbles/ficlets. WARNING: An instance of implied noncon. Disclaimer: Not mine, not true. Woe. Summary: Life at the Clockwork Oranje can never be described as boring. A collection of slice-of-life drabbles.
Title: Chairs Series: Red Light Author: aka_centimetre2 Rating: R/NC-17 Wordcount: 1,190 Disclaimer: Not mine, not true. Woe. Summary: Edwin comes back to the Clockwork Oranje one night with a score to settle.
Title: The Flying Dutchman, 1/15 Rating: R (this chapter, for violence) Wordcount: 4,057 this chapter. Disclaimer: Not mine, not true. Woe. In This Chapter: Dirk finds himself in a right old mess.