as some of you may know miss_cast and I share an appartment. during our time of living together, we got to know each other better. here are some of the little known facts about her:
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Miss_cast! - In the Spanish edition of Cluedo, miss_cast is the victim.
- Miss_cast can jump up to sixteen times her own height.
- Grapes explode if
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Comments 4
1. orbar is made from the same substance that grows under a stove whose cleanliness has been neglected.
2. Someone has cast a spell on orbar's bike, possibly prof. Sternberg's lost homless twin
3. If pasta nudles were written letters, orbar was by now a post-doctor on reflexivity in literature
4. Once watered, orbars bloom like beautiful night flowers
5. There's no way I'm making up six more of this.
6. Maybe just one more: at one of my first chats with or ever, he lengthily elabourated to me a pholosophical theory he found iluminating, called "orizm". I thought he was very smart and assumed he was studying philosophy (it was our 1st year). Later I realized "orizm" was a lazy ass theory he invented and named it after himself. All my cinicism, see, is entirely orbar's fault.
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