1. Think of the first word that comes to mind when you think of me. 2. Run a Google image search on that word. 3. Reply to this entry and post one of the pictures from your search, but don't tell me what the word was. 4. Put this in your journal and I'll reply with one for you.
Don't you hate it when you're 75% done with an essay and then suddenly realize that not only do you know next-to-nothing about your topic, but your argument sucks ass?
So remember Monday how I was all "bleh, my life sucks cause I have to work until 11 today"?
Well tomorrow I get to work from 4:00 to MIDNIGHT. And then our first marching festival (which I have to be at school at 5:30 and won't get home until around 2) is SATURDAY.
Fifteen seconds too long for a damn autotranscribe. God dammit.
So I might get around to transcribing that... but probably not. If anyone wants to volunteer I'll probably draw them something reallyreally nice or something! :D