Sep 01, 2008 00:17
I'm really going to write more in this journal, starting nowish, to keep it current with my writings. I swear. If you're no longer interested in reading this stuff, unfriend me.
Jul 21, 2005 13:18
Calling for new readers.
New revised pages and many new entries coming soon. My erotica collection is, at the moment, free.
Ask, and you *might* be approved.
All newer entries will be behind cuts to save your friends pages.
Sep 08, 2004 19:43
Beg your way in. I don't care if you think you should be added, you have to convince ME of that.
It isn't that much public info that I want out there.
No referring to me by name in comments or to yourself by name-- if I don't know who you are from the sn, you are not getting in.