There is no rest for the uninspired. My brain is teeming with ideas for writing but I have not found the right moment to complete the time-consuming task of putting them on paper. In fact, the intellectual portion of my psyche feels as though its been frozen for two months. I underwent a unique form of liberation two months ago. My days have
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A lot can happen in 45 weeks. I've been through three jobs since the last time I updated this. I've been through a semester and a half of school. I've made some major and interesting expansions in my sex life. I've made a few new friends. I've made some people very happy. I've made some people unhappy. I started smoking pot again. I stopped
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So here is my situation: I am in love and I am in debt and I am in need of an education. My mind is having trouble coming up with the right answer to appease all of these things. If I go to school for English I won't be able to live with my fiancee for four years. Certain things that I've talked with her about could pull her in a different
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Amber and I are engaged. I love her with all of my heart and cannot wait to create a life with her. By that I mean: A) a cute little snuggly wuggly child that I am NOT to make jokes about. (She hates baby jokes). That was a grammatical wonder. Anyhoo, one of those. B) A home with a career as an English teacher. It's gonna be pretty sweet
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So many things are weighing upon my brain. So much hate has built up inside of me. It's amazing to care so much for so many people for so many years...and then realize you wouldn't care if the world collapsed and took them all under with it. My life is becoming tumultuous. I may need to seek Zen. No comments please...and as a sigh of relief
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Moving out of this house is going to be a good thing. I was really apprehensive at first but that feeling has faded. This is a change that I'm going to embrace. I've changed a lot as a person. Example: My newest short term goal is to upgrade my car. I want to put a cd player and a system in. I want 10's, crossover, and an amp to make it kick
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I've calmed down from my last few entries. My anger is not quite as potent. It is still there and the recipients are still not on my better side, but I'm not letting it eat at me like I was in the aforementioned. It's impossible to feel much of anything in an acute nature after a truly tiring day of work. Most of the emotions flowing through me
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Hello, good afternoon, and welcome to another episode of "the mad updating fat ass." On this episode we have more bitching about lame friends from the past, pretentious people, and his unyielding amusement at the word facial
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