Looks like EB/Gamestop got the shaft when it comes to shipments, who are only getting an average of about 20/store. Targets are getting a TON of them. Here's a list of stores around the Greater Boston Area. I'll try to take some requests. Comment w/ requested Target Store (city/state) and I'll try to grab the numbers for each store. Credit for the
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Another year of my life is about to come to a close. Going to be Quarter-century Man + 1! This year has been quite well so far. Lost a ton of weight, still a little boring, but all in all. Not too shabby of a year. I caught an advanced showing of Darren Aronofsky's "The Fountain". I really like the movie and I recommend it wholeheartedly. I'll
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When the HELL did Tool's Salival get this ridiculously EXPENSIVE? I have 2 of these sets (Well, I have one and my gf has the one I got her.) and I'm tempted to sell at least mine on eBay. That extra 100+ does really help out nowadays. Hmmm...
"What the fuck are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?" Those kerraaazy Aliens. In other news... computer's dead! Yaaaaay! Thought up but just upgrading to the new Core2Duos but decided to just fix it and Fuckitall. Not in the mood anymore to keep up with the latest fancy-smancy thing soo... just a new mobo on the way! It's a pain in the ass to
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This shit is why I absolutely hate the RIAA and all their goons. I'm so glad I haven't bought a RIAA affiliated CD in years. Ever since Napster, all they've been doing is fight the progress of a new medium. Doing nothing to help their situation and suing their own customers to make their money. Lots of industry experts suggest that they embrace
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