
Blame nentikobe

Jul 23, 2006 21:03

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) What word best describes brann? Random
2) How long have you known jax? 3 years
3) If dob37 and nentikobe were spliced together, what would be its name? That which we don't speak of
4) Do you have a crush on kristenny? Nope, but I do stalk her
5) Is rastarra related to dob37? Nope
6) What rank would jax have in a giant robot army? She Who Deals Out The Ass Kickery
7) What song/movie would you recommend to labyrinthine_? High Fidelity
8) Would joetipton and darthvol make a good couple? Absolutely
9) If jax was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Mary
10) How would idiosyncracy kill labyrinthine_? Messily
11) Which president would idiosyncracy be likely to idolize? ..........
12) Has darthvol been to your house/dorm? Nope
13) Has sulsaga dyed their hair? Probably
14) What flavor of jello would nentikobe be? Edible
15) Does yzavela travel a lot? Yep
16) Could you see chaichick and nentikobe together? YEP!
17) Are kristenny and girlwithguitar married? Not that I know of...
18) What planet should darthvol be from? Mars
19) What is leiandra's shoe size? The ones that fit
20) darthvol's eye color? I have no idea
21) If jax took over the world, who would suffer? Everyone not living in Knoxville
22) Do you think jax is hot? Yes
23) Is nentikobe athletic? Yes
24) Does sulsaga smoke? To be honest, I don't remember...
25) kristenny's hair color? What day is it?
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