Can You See Haruhi with Tamaki 24/7? (lol otp)

Feb 04, 2010 04:10

So, I applied lightyears ago but I never actually got stamped, and since I've grown up quite a bit since then, I deleted my old app so I could try again with my new updated answers. I looked deep, deep inside myself (okay, so I cheated and asked people to tell me what they thought the answers about me were for some of them) so it's super-ultra honest this time XD *thumbs up*

~The Basics~
Name: Dani Elle Dawn McCafferty (it can also be "Danielle" but I think the space makes it fancier and then people pronounce it right XD)
Nickname(s): Danie, Dani, Dan Dan, Panda Bear, Mei-Mei, Tama-chan (because of RP XD), Danieweenie
Age: 21
Gender: I HAVE NO IDEA Female.
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? Nope. I'm fine with either. It'd be the coolest thing in the world if you guys would try and vote as one person of each gender, though... just to see *easily amused*

Likes: writing, music, theater, transvestites (yeah, I have a fetish O:), foreign culture, foreign language, Asian horror films, researching, fun times, making new friends, anime, manga, kind people, justice, playing childish games, true crime novels, zombie movies, animals, fairness, volunteer work, making people smile, watching the seasons change, anything strawberry flavored
Dislikes: rudeness, homophobia, closed-minded people, violence, eggs, public restrooms, injustice, people who pick on the weak (or who pick on anyone at all, really).
Fears: losing my family and friends, the people I care about getting hurt, being forgotten or abandoned. Oh, and really big things that aren't normally big. Also... robotic animals, really loud noises, and furries (yes, I am afraid of furries ;//;)
Goals/Dreams: I want to become a published writer and have a life where I'm completely independent and happy. I'd really like to do something that involves helping people, too, because that makes me happy, as cheesy as it sounds. I can't think of anything that makes me happier myself.

Talents: writing, peacemaking, singing, noticing people's subtle emotions
Hobbies: cooking, writing, fashion design, sketching
Strengths: optimistic, friendly, easygoing, independent, loyal, reliable, hardworking, honest, sincere, steadfast, resilient, makes friends with everyone effortlessly. I do absolutely everything without malice and I think I actually lack the ability to be intentionally hurtful or conniving XD
Weaknesses: sensitive, brutally honest, blunt, overprotective, stubborn, dramatic, painfully naive, occasionally awkward, too trusting, overwhelming, unable to be stifled (my sister is the ONLY person who can make me chill out XD). I'm also very, very, very opinionated and when I am passionate about something I can get a little out of control and I can even get mean. Also, as I'm sure you're finding from this app, I have a tendency to rant and ramble. It's hard to shut me up.

Shy or Outgoing: outgoing
Calm or Energetic: energetic
Controlled or Impulsive: impulsive
Pessimistic or Optimistic: optimistic
Decisive or Indecisive: indecisive
Mature or Immature: both?
Messy or Clean: messy
Leader Or Follower: leader
Night or Day Person: night
Indoors or Outdoors: it depends on the weather
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: happy, friendly, loyal, stubborn, honest, dorky

~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- orange
Least Favorite - brown

Favorite- Yakisoba (it HAS to be instant) or maybe enchiladas. I'm not picky, though. I'll really eat almost anything and enjoy it, especially if someone went out of their way to make it for me.
Least Favorite - eggs DX I hate them. I've hated them since I was a child. They really gross me out. I hate the way they taste and the way they smell and their texture.

Favorite- seahorse
Least Favorite - it's impossible for me to dislike any animal O: animals are so innocent and completely incapable of malice

Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- Haruhi. Or Tamaki. I can't pick! They're both just so genuine and sweet. Haruhi is such a refreshing character, the kind of person I would probably be friends with because she's so honest and so "real". And Tamaki is the kind of guy who can kick start anything and make it fun, so he'd be cool to have around *is thinking too much into a simple question*
Least Favorite - Hikaru /: I'm bothered by selfish people. It's my biggest pet peeve. He loves Haruhi but doesn't seem to care about her feelings at all, and I just... bah, it just bothers me.

Non-Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- Ranka-san or maybe Mei. Ranka is so funny and full of energy, and Mei is so fresh and exciting and I have a thing for Ganguro.
Least Favorite - wah, to I have to have one? O: I love all of the characters in their own way, even Tamaki's grandma. She only wants what's best for him and it seems a little unfair that everyone hates her because she shows him "tough love".

Favorite Quote(s): "Love sees roses without thorns" - German Proverb (I think it's a beautiful thought and so true; when we love someone, suddenly their imperfections make them absolutely perfect)

How would you describe yourself? Oh wow. Geez ^^; Let's see... I'd say I'm a very energetic person. I'm not very motivated to finish things, but I have a ton of zeal when it comes to starting them. I'm all over the place and my personality has so many different sides that my friends probably all see me as someone completely different, each one individually XD I can be really childish but I'm also a realistic person at my core... I like to pretend things will always work out, but I know deep down that life isn't perfect. I'm friendly to a fault and I trust people too easily, and no matter how many times I get hurt, I'll keep trusting. I'm good at noticing little details in other people and I can always tell when someone is scared or sad or needs something, but I'm utterly clueless when it comes to myself. I'm really blunt and honest both with myself and others because I hate when people put on airs and hypocrisy makes me sick XD I'm sickeningly optimistic and I have a can-do attitude about everything, even when life is getting me down. I guess I'm the person who takes on the responsibility of keeping everyone happy and motivated, even if I'm secretly not myself. There's one in every group, right? *shuts up* ^^
How do people usually describe you? XDDDDDDD In the words of my best friend, I'm the kind of person who is "impossible to hate", though I don't know how true that is. My family says I'm "sweet, dramatic, and blunt" and most of my friends have at one point described me as either "crazy" or "level-headed", depending on which extreme they've seen XD
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? I would make everyone feel beautiful regardless of ALL factors. All this low self-esteem people have these days kills me! I especially feel bad for young girls with all this pressure on them to be what society sees as beautiful. We're all beautiful just the way we are... I would just make it so everyone could see it.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Boo /: I would probably make myself a little less prone to overreacting. I'm very intense, and it puts a strain on people around me.
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off?
Probably the same way she did, though I wouldn't be at all irritated by the boys like she is XD I would just think they were FASCINATING. I'm really intrigued by rich people... I think it's true what they say, that's it's an entirely different world. I think it'd be fun spending time getting to know each Host individually and building strong friendships with each accordingly.

~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself:

Anything Else: If you'd like, you can also vote on my mirror application because it only has one vote so far ^^;
The 3 apps you voted on:
1 - here
2 - here
3 - here

Sorry it was a bit wordy ^^; I was bored and had writer's block, and I got carried away as usual. Oops.

EDIT: Comments are now screened. I meant to screen them before, but I forgot XD I think that makes the results more interesting because it gets rid of the bandwagon effect. I hope that's okay ^^;
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