The "Dark Signer" incident has concluded and my report to the city has been successfully filed. My next assignment is to investigate the disappearance of Princess Audra from the city
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This tournament is simply fantastic! I've dueled so many duelists from so many different academies! It's BEAUTIFUL!
For anybody I have been able to meet yet, my name is Sir Ronald the Knight the Duelist the student from the Royal Dueling Academy! I would be glad to duel any of you!
Autopsy on Subject "Astronaut", AKA Alexandra Grant is completed. While I would've liked a bit more time to study her in an active state, I have not the authority to infringe on the Five Dragons.
Will seek out the bodies of the remaining subjects, and send them back to the city for further research ASAP.
Made public for the sake of keeping magically learned humans, as well as companion Duel Monsters in this world appraised on subject "Astronaut", AKA, "Alexandra Grant
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