I was just remembering how popular this old
post was and since there's nothing really going on, I felt like doing a sequel.
1. I really hate doing things like this, yet I am strangely compelled to do them.
2. I'm always in a good mood after filling up my gas tank. It's odd since I don't enjoy driving or spending $50. I guess gas fumes have that effect on me.
3. I love rock bands that have a female lead singer.
4. Avril Lavigne is the only exception.
5. I just found out I can't draw any more. This sucks.
6. I once spent 2 hours crawling around my room trying to kill a cricket. Yes, I had been drinking.
7. I'm pretty much the only person who doesn't think the "Where's my money, man?" bit on Family Guy is funny.
8. The only food that has ever intimidated me is scallop sushi.
9. I quote Futurama and Scrubs waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too much.
11. It wasn't my dad, but my mom that got me into Monty Python, football, and The Three Stooges.
12. After working flightline for a couple more years, I have no idea what I'm going to do next.
13. If I could have any car, it would be a 1953 BMW Isetta. Didn't see that coming, didja?
14. I severely miss winter. Once it gets "cold" again, I'm going to Flagstaff as often as possible.
15. I love old Saturday Night Lives. After Chris Farley died, I really didn't care any more.
16. Marines are the most irritating people I've run into since I joined the military. I know they're not all like that, I just keep running into the crappy ones.
17. I prefer to travel by train. Shame that it's mostly Europe that does that now...
18. I've caught myself of fire at least two dozen times.
19. I have more gay friends in Texas than Bloomington. Odd....
20. I have no idea where the "owtkast" thing came from.
21. I was the designated driver on my 21st birthday.
22. I don't think I was ever bullied. At least I don't remember...
23. I have barely any memory before the age of 14. (Approximately)
24. My favorite comic book characters are Deadpool and Hellboy. I've been struggling with an internal debate for years about who would win in a fight.
25. I've slept through house alarms, car alarms, gunshots, explosions, basically anything very loud.
26. I want to emigrate to the UK.
27. I spend about $175 a month on comic books.
28. The only way I can eat a salad is with Italian dressing.
29. I have no want to go to Italy.
30. I guess I'll add Gwen Stephani to number four.
31. I really hate it when people thank me for serving when I'm off base in uniform. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of what I do. That just puts a lot of pressure on me about what to say back. After two years, I still don't know what the correct response is, other than "You're welcome."
32. I'm very happy I don't have brown eyes. I don't know why.
33. My only feminine side is that I like shoes. Mostly Vans and Converse....
34. I got a 69% on my end-of-course exam for my career development course back in February. I got that low of a score because I play my 360 way too much.
35. I wish I had waited a couple years to join the military.
36. I always feel like the only person on Earth not having sex.
37. I cannot stand Steve Carell.
38. The only time I've been truly ashamed was when I failed out of EOD.
39. I hate coffee, tea, and beer.
40. I'll drink beer when I'm not at a bar or don't feel like making a drink.
41. About 2 months ago I took a friend to the ER and since he was taking so long I ended up wandering around and watching a surgery for about a half hour and munching on peanut butter M&Ms.
42. I was severely malnourished my last few months at Purdue. (Mountain Dew, Cheetos, and cheeseburgers.)
43. I had no idea who was running for the presidency until a month or two ago.
44. I laugh every time I see a commercial for some product that women buy.
45. I really want a Democrat to win the next election so I can enjoy four years of a different kind of rabid hatred.
46. Ever since I joined the military, I get insanely pissed off any time I see military personnel or explosions in movies.
47. I've tried memorizing "Hamlet" at least 6 times. I don't know why.
48. About a month ago I started having a recurring dream about working on a jet and some genius raised the landing gear, crushing an arm or leg. I am now a tad paranoid about doing my job.
49. Apparently when I'm trying to remember something, I look up and to the right.
50. Commercials actually affect me. I didn't eat at a Burger King for about 6 months because that Angus Burger commercial bugged the living crap out of me.
51. The best I've ever felt was in August of 2006. I had 6 large Monster energy drinks in about an hour and a half. Yeah...couldn't sit still...
52. I am strangely compelled to purchase the special edition of any movie or video game.
53. The only time I really profusely swear is when I'm playing a game or if I'm working on an environmental problem at work.
54. My favorite director is Guillermo del Toro.
55. I usually end up watching V for Vendetta once a week.
56. I've had a million ideas for this thing. I really need to start writing stuff down....
57. I'm pretty much obsessed with old books about paranoia about the future. Like 1984, Fahrenheit 451, and so on.
58. I love movies made before 1994 or so about computers or hackers.
59. I've never seen Fight Club.
60. If it's a drug, I've known somebody who's done it. Except meth. It's kinda odd since the only drug specific commercials I see are for meth and weed.
61. I probably have an unhealthy infatuation with Natalie Portman. But you all probably knew that.
62. I planned on backpacking across Europe after high school. Not sure what happened to that idea...
63. I would like to have gone to art school, but I didn't feel like being homeless.
64. That and I get writer's/artist's block way too often.
65. I've been fishing since I was 6. I've caught nothing in 16 long years.
66. The carpet in my dorm room has three different shades. One part is the natural blue, the others are orange and black, where I've spilled nacho cheese and boot polish, respectively.
67. I will stay up until 3 every morning regardless of how early I have to get up. I love my Adult Swim.
68. I've been driving with a flat tire for about 3 months now. I just keep filling it up.
69. My ideal job would be doing sound effects on a movie.
70. I'm going to get an Alaskan Malamute in the near future. Can't decide whether to name him Sammael, Cerberus, or Anubis.
71. I have phantom appendix pain every year around September or so.
72. I've never been stung by a bee.
73. I've been teaching myself the harmonica for a couple months now. Not consistently. I start, then forget for a while and have to start all over again.
74. I can't come up with the proper word to describe how I look with a mustache. But it's bad.
75. I love the movie, Hellboy. Strangely enough, that's the movie I've fallen asleep to the most.
76. When I visited DC, I really enjoyed the Metro for no apparent reason. I'd just ride it for the heck of it.
77. I can't draw faces to save my life.
78. If I could learn any language, it'd be Cornish.
79. I will watch any movie with Christopher Walken, Steve Buscemi, or Sean Connery.
80. I fantasize about completely disassebling an A-10 while I'm at work. I don't really hate the jet, I just think it'd be fun.
81. I really don't care about Africa. It's not that I'm a jerk. I am. It's just I can't get myself to start any kind of emotion for that place other than apathy.
82. I play Call of Duty 4 every Saturday with guys from work. In all honesty, I really hate that game.
83. I haven't been late to work here at DM in the year and half I've been here.
84. Tucson was one of my most hated cities in the US. For the life of me, I can't remember why.
85. I've gotten away with not saluting three officers in my Air Force career. A captain in Florida, a colonel and a lieutenant colonel (which was today, actually).
86. I plan on buying a Colt 1911 in the near future.
87. I'm sure number 83 just jinxed me.
88. I like birds in nature, but can't stand pet birds. I blame Marisa's sister.
89. I think I'll end up retiring here in Tucson, or at least in Arizona.
90. I've never been to California or Canada. Don't think I ever will.
91. I'd rather be in the Navy than the Air Force. I would have been if I wasn't in a relationship.
92. I will choose lemonaide over soder any day.
93. When I'm watching a movie or show where a fat or ugly person is mocked, I think about how bizarre the casting for that part must have been.
94. I'm thinking about going to school to become a radiologist. Apparently shooting radiation at people appeals to me.
95. I once spent a day driving around Bloomington doing drive-by shootings. With a paintball gun.
96. I've caused a friend of mine to break his right leg. When it was almost healed, I played a hand in breaking his left one.
97. I don't mind violence in movies, but can't stand movies based just on violence.
98. I started calling carbonated beverages "soder" when I watched about a Superman when I was 8 or so. Lois Lane gave this boat captain some change to call Clark Kent if something happened. He goes to the payphone and sees a coke machine and says "Hey! Soder!"
99. I want to go hunting. But for cool stuff, like kodiac bears, elephants, rhinos and the like.
100. I started this back in June. Had only 5 or 6 ones left to fill and just kinda forgot about it.
101. I really hated doing this.