Porn Battle #2 (the rematch)

Jun 06, 2006 13:27

We're in hiatus, finals (ah, you poor sods) are nearly over, hate threads are springing up all over the place like particularly nasty weeds and the antipodean fans are shivering and in need of something hot, so you know what that means.

It means it's porn battle time again!

A couple of changes for version two: no voting afterwards this time - instead, everyone gets to provide prompts.

Quick outline of the battle:
1. I'll be collecting prompts on this post from now until Thursday midnight (US Pacific Time).
2. I'll post a (hopefully) huge list of prompts on Friday.
3. You'll have a week to write/draw/manip the steamiest bit of porn you can from any of the prompts.
4. You can make as many entries as you want - I'm not going to limit the porn output! And there won't be any assignments - multiple people can use the same prompts and you can use your own prompts if you want.
5. Like last time, the entries will be limited to what will fit in one comment (4,300 characters). I'll post full details on the porn post on Friday (but you can always check out the last one to see how it went - it'll run the same apart from the voting at the end).

Now, for the prompts!
1. You can post as many prompts as you like! The more the merrier, seriously. There cannot be too many prompts.
2. I'm keeping the prompts simple - just a fandom, character/pairing/threesome/moresome, and a single prompt word if you want.
3. Just about anything goes - any fandom (TV, book, movie, comic, whatever), including real person fiction, het, slash, solo sex, orgies! Just no under age real person fiction, please. And no Snape - okay, you can have Snape if you have to.
4. If you've left some prompts and want to add more (up until the closing time for prompts), that's fine, but please leave them all in a comment to the post, not a reply to your original comment. That way I'll be able to skim down the post without having to click on threads to find prompts.
5. Please, please, please, leave them in the format below (it'll make it a million times easier for me when it comes to copy, pasting and sorting):

Fandom, pairing, prompt word (if any)
Crossover, fandom 1/fandom 2, pairing, prompt word (if any)

For example, I might suggest:

Crossover, Angel the Series/Supernatural, Lindsey/Dean
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Stargate Atlantis, Spike/Michael, bite
Bible, Jonathan/David, wine
D.E.B.S., Lucy/Amy, skirt
Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, white
Lindsey Davis - Falco series (books), Marcus Didius Falco/Q. Camillus Justinus, linen
Smallville, Lex, last
Stargate SG-1, Cameron/Daniel, constant
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, tangled
Veronica Mars, Logan/Duncan/Veronica, jealous

P.S. The more you pimp it, the more porn we get.

P.P.S. Icon love!

Time's up - no more prompts!

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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