Giveaway 15 [13 Years of Love]

Sep 15, 2016 22:39

The Standard intro:
As a basic introduction, I will be giving away official shop photos or goods, whenever I can,  to a randomly selected participant (plus special events). If you have already participated in the past you will already know, but for each giveaway there will be a small challenge/requirement of participation. The details of your entry do not affect your chances to win, as it is completely random (using a random number generator), but please have fun with the challenges. They are a means to get to know more about your idols, yourself and other fangirls and in general. Just have a good time being silly.
For a full list of rules and how it works see here.

Paana Playground Giveaway 15
13 Years of Love

Giveaway 15 - closure date:
29 September 2016 6:00pm (Tokyo time)

Giveaway 15 - Prize
As pictured above, there will be 2 prizes. First prize is the official Quartetto Tour music box. The Second Prize is one limited edition 10ve anniversary shop photo. The winners will be selected using a random number generator but you will need to complete the challenge in order for your entry to be considered. Postage and handling is covered by the mods.

Giveaway 15 - Challenge

Happy Anniversary NEWS and Paanas~!
It's our day to celebrate, our day to cheer. 13 years ago these wonderful men were pushed together and into the spotlight. For 13 years they have blessed us with smiles, tears, joy, togetherness, and love. So lets toast to the NEWS!

For this giveaway, the question is simple. What makes NEWS unique?
Interpret the question however you please. Why they are unique to you on a personal level. What makes each member unique. Why they are unique as group in the ever expanding jpop industry. What's unique about their hosting of 24 hr tv. Literally anything. However you want to talk about the unique qualities of NEWS, go for it.

Feel free to add an anniversary message in with your entry if you wish. Spread the love and cheer on this special occassion. This of course is OPTIONAL.

Each entry must contain at LEAST 30 words.
Please use the below entry form and put your entry as a comment to this post.

Entry Form:

Why NEWS is unique:
**Happy Anniversary:


Example entry!!

Bias: Shige
Why NEWS is unique: Because of their integrity and sincerity. NEWS fight and push for NEWS to be the best it can be. They push through for them, and they push through for us. Forever focused on connecting to Paanas in any way shape or form that they can. NEWS love us, as much as, perhaps much much much much more than, our collective love for them. And I find that truly beautiful.
Happy Anniversary: With every year that passes you become stronger as individuals, grow as human beings and work your butts off to bring us all that you can. For that I can never ever express how much gratitude I hold. Thank you NEWS. No matter where this path leads, I will always be proud of you. Happy Anniversary.

Winners will be contacted by private message on or around 29/09/2016. An announcement of winners and brief summary of the giveaway will be posted shortly after the end of the giveaway (unless life gets in the way again).

Completely unrelated to this giveaway, I'm truly very incredibly sorry for not updating with the summary of the fan project. I still intend to write it, however, with each month I do not get the time to sit down for it, the more I wonder if anyone is still waiting for it. Well either way, if you wander on over to my open twitter account, you can see the progression of the uchiwa through all the concerts of the Quartetto Tour there @shysplayground.


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