Sep 09, 2008 08:39
Hey I have a quick question for all ya readers,
How do you pronounce his last name? PUH-la-nik or pull-ON-ick? Or neither.
I knew someone who claimed to be related to him (a cousin of sorts) and he said his last name was Puh-la-nik but I've heard people say the other way. Anyway, just curious.
Also, has anyone ever written to Chuck?
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Comments 24
That's how I say it. I wrote to Chuck back in 06 during the last mail window. He sent back a package that got to me two days before x-mess :)
I'm still on the lookout for the next one.
How do you pronounce Palahniuk? PAUL-AH-NIK (Paula Nick). The story goes that Chuck's Grandparents decided to pronounce their name as a combination on their two first names, Paula and Nick. As Chuck relates it: So many Palahniuk's drop letters from the name. We kept all the letter's but we probably say it the worst.". The 'Old World' pronunciation is PAH-la-NYOOK
I've written to him. Um. October 2007 maybe? Or was it 2006?
And he replied around Valentines Day and I had all these valentines treats and stickers and stuff. It was so cool. Autograph picture and everything.
It's an excellent track, in case anyone is curious. :)
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