Week in the Life: Friday

Sep 24, 2011 00:06

Here are the rules.

Today is a sad showing, indeed.  I spent the day working in my classroom.  I only had one scheduled conference.  I got through maybe 3/4 of my to-do list.

7:00 This is a photo of my house taken from my neighbor's while watching her dog.

Sunset in the neighborhood.

Still dog-sitting. My neighbor has to clip the curtains up so the dog doesn't pee on them.

The dog, Jack, is actually pretty cute.

My cats fight every day. I inspect them for damage. Though it sounds like they are killing each other, they both come out of it unharmed.

I didn't intend to sleep from 4:00-7:00 tonight. I had planned to attend an aikido seminar tonight. That didn't happen. There are reasons other than my narcolepsy that explain this, but I won't go into them here. OK, yes, I will. The drive is several miles north of town on gravel roads. They don't have any real plumbing. That, for me, is a deal-breaker.
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