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t r a d i n g //
c o l l e c t i n g / k e e p i n g //
l o g╰( ´◔ ω ◔ `)╯
April 10, 2013
Starterpack: group-ftisland05,14,17, mv-hitu02, photo-paradise19, mv-heart2heartjv15, mv-ohmygod09, photo-bubblepop20, mv-badman20, mv-alone03
Freebies: artist-kimhyunjoong07, artist-jaypark02, mv-madonna18, group-nell15
Blackjack: artist-imyoona16, mv-mirotic18
Hangman: mv-shanghairomance03, photo-fantasticparty03
Wheel: photo-iloveyou09, mv-fool10, artist-jungyunho20
Translation: actor-parkshinhye13, artist-baesuzy14, 100 won
Fill the Blanks: mv-alone07, photo-letsfly20, mv-illailla10, 300 won
Lottery: artist-kimkyujong05, mv-whatareyoudoing20
Memory: actor-janggeunsuk07, artist-iu18, 100 won
Whos That Star: mv-screamjv18, mv-shyboy18, artist-iu17
KDrama Recognition: artist-gongchan17, mv-spy12, mv-history18, artist-iu09, 100 won
MV Identifier: group-kara02, artist-fatcat08, mv-jetcoasterlovejv06, mv-spy08, 300 won
Karaoke: edit-ceciseptember201205, artist-kimseheon10, artist-kimseheon11, 300 won
Higher or Lower: artist-jessicajung18, 300 won
New Decks: artist-luna18, mv-genie12, photo-bigbangisgreat12, photo-expectation16, mv-jetcoasterlovejv16, photo-romanticlove14
Chii: group-nell07, mv-screamjv04, mv-screamjv14 for my mv-shanghairomance03, artist-imyoona16, group-kara02 + membercards
Helix: artist-jungyonghwa01 for my artist-jessicajung18 + membercards
Warped: mv-illailla01, artist-choisooyoung01, photo-dreamgirl10
Puzzle: artist-kai08, mv-koewokikasetejv11, edit-ellejuly201208, 200 won
Release Date: artist-imyoona05, group-aoa14, mv-iloveyou10, mv-isthewhitehorse11, 200 won
Osanity: artist-kimhyungjun14, artist-kimhyungjun15 for my photo-paradise19, mv-genie12 + membercards
Fernande Peace: mv-screamjv02 for my artist-luna18 + membercards
[earned: 61/100]
April 11, 2013
Cassidy: group-ftisland03 for my mv-fool10 + membercards
Ayay: group-2ne110 for my artist-choisooyoung01 + membercards
MoLi: mv-iloveyou07, artist-kimhyungjun01, artist-kimhyungjun19 for my mv-alone07, mv-illailla01, mv-illailla10 + membercards
Helix: mv-screamjv06, mv-screamjv11 for my actor-janggeunsuk07, photo-dreamgirl10
[trade count: 21/25]
April 13, 2013
Card Pack(-700 Won): artist-fatcat16, mv-justmystyle17, ad-jestinaspring201203, mv-honey04
Card Pack(-700 Won): drama-fullhousetake209, drama-secretgarden08, drama-faith04, drama-rooftopprince04
[earned: 69/100]
April 15, 2013
New Decks: photo-doyouwannab05, artist-sulli08, ad-niispring201318, artist-gna16
Helix: ep-dreamhigh109 for my mv-alone03
Maitland: artist-kimhyungjun05 for my photo-bigbangisgreat12 + membercards
Risa: group-nell20 for my photo-fantasticparty03 + membercards
[trade count: 25/25(+1)]
[earned: 73/100]
Weekly Question: group-ftisland20 + 1000won
Whos That Star: group-aoa06, mv-inmyheadjv04, mv-babyimsorry10
Hangman: mv-genie16, group-girlsday10
Memory: mv-nuabo17, artist-parkbom12, 100 won
Wheel: photo-dreamgirl19, artist-choisooyoung10, 100 won
Translation: mv-geniejv14, photo-mastermind12, 100 won
MV Identifier: mv-icecream14, mv-geniejv02, artist-iu03, edit-mensoctober200904, 300 won
Fill the Blanks: group-browneyedgirls19, artist-jungyunho08, mv-pandora10, 300 won
Lottery (2 correct): artist-hoya13, group-girlsday14, edit-bazaaraugust201209
Tsurumi: group-ftisland02 for my mv-badman20
Osanity: mv-screamjv12, photo-iloveyou05 for my artist-hoya13, mv-genie16
[trade count: 4/25]
April 16, 2013
Card Pack(-700 Won): mv-nillilimambo04, mv-hastaluego04, mv-theboys20, mv-goodday06
Card Pack(-700 Won): artist-jaypark13, artist-sulli14, artist-leetaemin03, artist-gdragon06
Card Pack(-700 Won): photo-whatareyoudoing03, photo-oneshot13, photo-letsfly01, photo-temptastic19
Cassidy: group-nell01, group-nell14, artist-iu06, artist-iu07 for my group-aoa06, group-aoa14, mv-inmyheadjv04, artist-baesuzy14
Cassidy: edit-mensoctober200910 for my mv-history18
[trade count: 9/25]
[earned: 100/100 (+7)]
April 17, 2013
Stamp Card: mv-monster07, mv-theboys05, mv-badgirlgoodgirl04
Helix: artist-sulli10, edit-mensoctober200909 for my photo-doyouwannab05, photo-dreamgirl19
[earned: 10/100]
April 22, 2013
KDrama Recognition: photo-bigbangisgreat17, artist-kimhyoyeon03, mv-loveydoveyjv08, drama-rooftopprince05, 100 won
Freebies x2: mv-monster14, artist-juniel06, mv-rundevilrun02, mv-idontneedaman18, mv-volumeup17, mv-hurricanevenus13, edit-cecijanuary201305, photo-earfun12
Blackjack: mv-lupin14, drama-faith06
Karaoke: drama-rooftopprince04, photo-expectation01, edit-bazaaraugust201209, 300 won
Higher or Lower: artist-nana15, 300 won
Release Date: mv-topgirl14, mv-venus07, photo-twinkle16, photo-bluelove05, 200 won
Puzzle: mv-grasshoppersong10, edit-mensoctober200906, mv-illailla14, 200 won
Warped: artist-leetaemin19, drama-secretgarden09, artist-kevinwoo10
Bear: group-ftisland08, group-ftisland10 for my artist-kai08, artist-iu18 + membercards
Osanity: group-ftisland09 for my artist-leetaemin14
[earned: 28/100]
April 23, 2013
Ayay: mv-screamjv10 for my artist-choisooyoung10
[trade count: 15/25]
April 24, 2013
Chupi: edit-mensoctober200902 for my photo-twinkle16 + membercards
Shawnna: mv-screamjv07, artist-kimhyungjun07, artist-kimhyungjun11 for my actor-parkshinhye13, mv-geniejv02, mv-geniejv14 + membercards
[trade count: 21/25]
Blackjack(2nd): artist-leekiseop17, mv-loveismove07
Wheel: drama-secretgarden02, group-2pm18, 100 won
Wheel: 500won
Lottery (1 correct): mv-thechaser12, photo-temptastic03
Lottery (1 correct): edit-mensoctober200905, mv-idontneedaman17
Hangman (x2): artist-maxchangmin16, mv-screamjv16, group-dalshabet01, photo-twinkle16
Puzzle (2nd): mv-madonna12, mv-2hot13, artist-sulli11, 200 won
Memory: artist-kimhyungjun17, drama-tothebeautifulyou07, 100 won
Memory: mv-hush10, artist-gna09, 100 won
[earned: 47/100]
Helix: mv-screamjv01, drama-coffeeprince10 for my photo-oneshot13, mv-nillimambo04
[trade count: 23/25]
April 26, 2013
Tsurumi: group-nell05 for my mv-illailla14
Samichan: artist-sulli20, edit-arenamay201001 and edit-arenamay201005 for my mv-rundevilrun02, edit-ceciseptember201205 and mv-grasshoppersong10
[trade count: 25/25(+2)]
Card Pack(-700 Won): drama-fullhousetake213, mv-tellme04, mv-shanghairomance06, mv-imaokuritaijv03
Card Pack(-700 Won): artist-top04, artist-tiffanyhwang10, artist-guhara20, artist-kimkyujong02
Card Pack(-700 Won): mv-hitu03, mv-keepyourheaddown05, mv-tarantallegra18, mv-thechaser13
[earned: 59/100]
Card Pot: drama-coffeeprince08 (-artist-jungyunho20)
Kiss: group-ftisland02, artist-kimhyungjun20, edit-arenamay201007 for my mv-honey04, mv-hush10, mv-lupin14 + membercards
Icera: group-ftisland16 for my group-2pm18 + membercards
Cassidy: mv-screamjv05 for photo-earfun12
[trade count: 9/25]
Stamp Card: mv-jetcoasterlovejv16, group-infinite13, mv-shanghairomance18
[earned: 62/100]
April 27, 2013
MoLi: edit-mendsoctober200908 for my artist-juniel06
Icera: edit-arenamay201010, artist-sulli05 for my edit-ellejuly201208 and photo-twinkle16
[trade count: 12/25]
April 28, 2013:
Hangman: mv-warrior03, photo-oneshot08
Memory: group-sunnyhill19, mv-nuabo02, 100 won
Wheel: artist-sulli20, 200 won
Lottery (2 right): group-orangecaramel18, mv-nuabo03, group-jjproject05
Level Up: mv-history14, group-afterschool16, artist-nana01, mv-screamjv19
[earned: 74/100]
Osanity: drama-coffeeprince02 for my artist-leetaemin03
Enni: mv-nuabo11 for my mv-icecream14 + membercards
[trade count: 15/25]
Update post: mv-screamjv20, group-ftisland01, edit-mensoctober200901, artist-victoriasong08, artist-nicolejung04, artist-krystaljung19, artist-parkgyuri14
[earned: 81/100]
April 29, 2013
Whos That Star: group-shinee04, drama-cityhunter09, drama-protecttheboss09
Translation: mv-illailla05, artist-jungyunho09, 100 won
MV Identifier: photo-bigbangisgreat07, mv-fiction10, mv-loveydovey03, edit-cecijanuary201310, 300 won
Fill the Blanks: artist-ukwon12, mv-monster01, mv-mirotic04, 300 won
[earned: 93/100]
Osanity: artist-sulli07 for my artist-kimkyujong02
Maitland: edit-arenamay201004, edit-mensoctober200907 for my mv-hurricanevenus13, mv-koewokikasetejv11
[trade count: 18/25]
April 30, 2013:
Risa: drama-coffeeprince06, edit-arenamay201003, edit-arenamay201004, edit-arenamay201006, edit-arenamay201009 for my mv-theboys05, artist-nana01, artist-nana15, artist-sulli20, ad-niispring18
[trade count: 23/25]
May 2nd, 2013
Chupi: artist-kimhyunjoong09, drama-coffeeprince03 for my artist-guhara20, photo-expectation16
Helix: photo-brannewkiss19 for my photo-oneshot08
[trade count: 25/25]
May 6th, 2013
Stamp Card: drama-reply199706, photo-fantasticparty02, group-superjunior16
[earned: 96/100]
May 7th, 2013
Freebies: mv-hello08, photo-4minutesleft05, mv-poison20, artist-kimhyunjoong11
Release Date: mv-girlspowerjv09, group-orangecaramel16, photo-mastermind14, photo-oneshot07, 200 won
Blackjack: group-girlsday16, artist-alice15
Puzzle: artist-raina07, mv-ohmygod07, photo-expectation01, 200 won
KDrama Recognition: artist-shinyoonjo11, edit-mensoctober200903, drama-yourebeautiful10, mv-wanna09, 100 won
Karaoke: photo-aclass09, mv-hurricanevenus01, edit-ceciseptember201210, 300 won
Higher or Lower: artist-gna04, 300 won
Warped: mv-iloveyou02, mv-thedaybefore15, drama-yourebeautiful10
May 8th, 2013
Helix: mv-hotsummer05 for my photo-oneshot07
Osanity: group-2pm10, photo-touch15 and mv-itswar01 for my mv-hello08, drama-tothebeautifulyou07, group-shinee04
Chupi: group-nell18, mv-screamjv09 for my mv-shanghairomance18, artist-victoriasong08
[trade count: 6/25]
New Decks: mv-60seconds20, mv-handsupre14, mv-shock16
[earned: 123/100]
May 9th, 2013
Card Pack: edit-ceciseptember2012c02, actor-parkshinhye16, mv-catchme04, photo-touch13 (-700won)
Card Pack: artist-kimtaeyeon02, artist-imyoona02, group-tara19, artist-parkgyuri12 (-700won)
Card Pack: drama-mylovelysamsoon01, drama-coffeeprince09, drama-fullhousetake208, drama-secretgarden08 (-700won)
Donation: artist-hoya06, mv-goodday12, mv-historym06 + 1 Card from Donated Deck
Donation: group-b2st07, drama-queeninhyunsman07, photo-expectation01 + 1 Card from Donated Deck
Donation: mv-illailla08, mv-twinkle19, group-ss50120 + 1 Card from Donated Deck
Donation: mv-wereabitdifferent06, artist-lime15, mv-mymy17 + 1 Card from Donated Deck
[earned: 146/100]
Helix: mv-warrior04 for my mv-shock16
[trade count: 7/25]
May 12, 2013
Fernande Peace: mv-idontneedaman15 for my mv-catchme04
May 16, 2013
Hangman: edit-mensseptember201205, edit-cecijanuary201306
Memory: artist-kimseheon19, artist-boa02, 100 won
Wheel: 500 won
Whos That Star: ad-suithousefall201108, artist-maxchangmin08, artist-juniel07
Translation: group-bigbang15, group-secret11, 100 won
MV Identifier: mv-rundevilrun05, group-wondergirls12, artist-juniel08, group-jjproject09, 300 won
Fill the Blanks: artist-kimjonghyun07, mv-shanghairomance03, mv-bounce02, 300 won
Lottery: photo-mastermind07, mv-monster20
New Decks: mv-gangnamstyle18, mv-gentleman15, mv-pinocchiodanger04, mv-electricshock19, mv-bubblepop05
Helix: artist-se7en05, photo-tellme09 for my photo-expectation01, photo-bazaaraugust201209
Kiss: mv-idontneedaman05 for my mv-wanna09
May 17, 2013
Cardpot: drama-coffeeprince14 (-artist-kimyoyeon03)
Freebies: ad-suithousefall201107, edit-arenamay201006, artist-leeyooyoung05, artist-leejonghyun04
Blackjack: actor-yooinna08, group-b1a403
Puzzle: mv-bbiribombberibom11, mv-hello02, group-browneyedgirls17, 200 won
KDrama Recognition: group-2ne113, ad-ysbfall201119, mv-whitenight10, group-sistar18, 100 won
Karaoke: artist-leekiseop05, group-browneyedgirls18, ad-suithousefall201117, 300 won
Higher or Lower: photo-temptastic01, 300 won
Release Date: mv-shyboy01, drama-cityhunter13, actor-janggeunsuk19, mv-shock04, 200 won
Warped: drama-protecttheboss08, group-b2st05, artist-xiahjunsu06
May 31, 2013:
Mastery (edit-mensoctober2009): group-dbsk19, artist-jaypark18, photo-itsshowtime07
Hangman: mv-elvis11, edit-vgirlnovember201107
Memory: mv-expectation11, mv-alone11, 100 won
Wheel: mv-shyboy18, 200 won
Whos That Star: artist-jungyonghwa01, mv-ringdingdong18, mv-janus15
Translation: photo-iloveyou13, artist-cl09, 100 won
MV Identifier: photo-brannewkiss01, mv-rundevilrun19, mv-venus06, group-btob12, 300 won
Fill the Blanks: artist-kimkyujong03, mv-sexyfreesingle20, drama-fullhousetake209, 300 won
Lottery: mv-idontneedaman02, edit-ceciapril200901, mv-igotaboy04
Card Pot: edit-mclairemay201009, photo-mastermind19 (-photo-expectation01, drama-yourebeautiful10)
New Decks: mv-badgirl04, artist-cl20, artist-dara1, mv-luciferjv14
[earned: 220/100]
Enni: drama-reply199704, mv-idontneedaman20, mv-shock19 for my group-superjunior16, mv-spy12, mv-60seconds20 + membercards
Cate: drama-coffeeprince07 for my artist-kimjonghyun07 + membercards
[trade count: 18/25]