(To appear on copyright page)
This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the writer's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locals, plant and animal habitats or tribal customs is entirely coincidental.
The richness of the characterizations and word play are enhanced by introducing the flavor of Spanish dialog into some passages throughout the tribal parts of the story, especially since the tribe has a ban on the use of English. Interior thoughts and character's actions allow people who do not speak the language to follow the plot, without being any more left out than normal for a monolingual person living in a culturally diverse world, although some nuance will be lost.
Cover and chapter photos by Julie Schlenker, Alba, Missouri
Famous Bitterroot Valley Wildfire Photo
John McColgan, BLM
John McColgan, a BLM firefighter, took photos on August 6th, 2000, while fighting fires in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. McColgan says he "just happened to be in the right place at the right time" with his Kodak DC280 digital camera.
Tag Line: A well-intentioned, law-abiding do-gooder, twenty-six-year old Despina Mackenzie is a dedicated Iowa schoolteacher who sets out from her horse farm for the Stone Circles Indian Reservation in the Four Corners region of Arizona, intending to do nothing more sinister than teach summer school, but unintentionally falls in love and ends up plotting with the local sheriff to fox the federal government agents dead set on taking the chief's second son's life.
Next Last updated 3/13/10 Added tag line. 12/13/08 Added photo credits; 7/5/04.
Word Count: 231