Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
Three. ζ The About Questions
Name: Mel in RL, Mikari or Zaphir OL
Stamped as:
Reo ζ The Opinion Questions
Which house do you prefer or like best compared to the others? Barma. Definately. Why? Because the Vessalius seem to have problematic internal affaris, Nightray also, the Rainsworths are like a mine field while the Baskervilles are too fixated on Glen.
Which house do you think you will be part of? Nightray.
Why or in what way are you part of either one of the 5 Houses? Perhaps I'd be as I have some ties (any kind) with the head or any member? Getting taken in by the House is fine. Whether if it's for my work at Pandora or anything else.
ζ The Theme Questions
Would you prefer to be working backstage or on stage in Pandora? It depends on my mood and the situation. Once in a while, it's nice to be on the battlefield helping get rid of pesky chains, although I'll most likely use my Chain's magical abilities. Going on Reconnaissance(?) missions are also fine with me. I won't mind staying behind in Pandora to help with organizing paperwork or the misc. jobs to assist the higher-ups or as a strategist.
So what would you be doing mainly? On both I guess I'd be in charge intelligence gathering. Or assigning/planning missions for others...
Can you work well with others in a group and/or enjoy it? I can because I have amazing tolerance but I do not enjoy it. Espeically if they're people I dislike.
If your role was replaced with someone else supposedly "better", how would you react? I'd definately want to find out why I was replaced but I wouldn't make a big deal/fuss over it.
If you were the Head of the House, what would you do first? Probably find out the reason why all the Houses fighting with each other. Or info about the Abyss.
How would you treat your subordinates? Nicely most of the time, or I might not even care much (again depending on my mood). As long as they do their job is fine with me...but I still would give them the right punishment if they ever mess up anything badly.
and How would you go about going your duties or spending your leisure time everyday? I''ll try to get the minimun work done first then I can relax and do whatever else I have for the day that I'd want to do/get done.
Will you be able to coorperate/get along with the Rainsworths without getting Harisen-ed? I hope I would be able I do try not to anger people without a reason.
ζ The Misc. Questions
Any problems with the questions? Yes, I had a hell of a time coming up with them. Although somehow/luckily I managed to get the remining stamps I owe and this application on time...
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm?
Anything else? I was typing this up already a few days I have no idea if I should update the applications voted on...^^"
My mood really influences what I do doesn't it?