~The Abyss is 12 Kinds of Awesome~

Jun 02, 2010 22:27

Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
I. http://community.livejournal.com/pandora_ratings/46701.html?view=341869#t341869
II. http://community.livejournal.com/pandora_ratings/45952.html?view=342144#t342144
III. http://community.livejournal.com/pandora_ratings/45747.html?view=342451#t342451


Name/Nickname: On the net I'm well known as Saku. In real life I'm Becky. And if you're a patient that I don't want to know my name I'm Lizzy. (really long story there!)
Age: 26
Likes: Rainy days, lightning, the smell of a new book, anime, manga, Pandora Hearts (duh), ice cream, animals, nature, photography, music
Dislikes: idiots, racists, narrow-minded people, migraines (sorry I'm dealing with one right now), brats.
Interests/Hobbies: Writing, music, walks, hiking, sleeping, reading, swimming, photography.
Please describe your personality: Alright. I'm the type of person that is usually shy and quiet when you first meet me. I'm usually in the back of a classroom, the one in the back of a crowd. I can be forgotten in a group easily (which I totally used to my advantage at school when the teacher picked on people) and when I speak in a group I tend to be quiet. I blush too easily at times (which makes people laugh at me :P) and I tend to try to downplay praises.

However once you get to know me you learn that I can be goofy and weird. I've done Marco Polo in an airport looking for a friend- it has never worked so far as I usually get random people to say Polo. I may dance in a silent hallway for no reason then I'm just feeling the urge. I've worn glow sticks on my head just for fun. And more then once I've asked random people for a hug (which tends to get weird looks even more).

I'm the one that others go to so they can have a shoulder to cry on or a ear to bitch too. And at times I tend to be the peace keeper. I'm the type that will jump in front of a fist fight just to try to keep the peace (and I have in the past). I hate fighting and I try to avoid it by either walking away from them or trying to step in and explain why the two parties should just stop.

Please describe your appearance or post a few pictures of yourself (please put pictures under a link): http://pics.livejournal.com/arizonaicerose/pic/0005731r/s320x240

I'm the one in the blue shirt (sorry I'm in too much pain to do fancy embedding of any kind.)


Leader or Follower? I tend to be more of a follower. I can't lead that awesomely. Which is something I gotta build on since my job kinda demands that I lead others a lil.
Listener or Speaker? I'm more of a listener. I can listen and remember almost everything that someone says.
Persistant or Weak-willed? I'm persistent. When I want something I will keep on it. Or if I think I'm right I will prove that I am no matter what!
Pessimistic or Optimistic? I always try to stay Optimistic. There are times that I get pessimistic, but I always turn it around!
Patient or Impatient? I'm patient. Again with my job you have to be. But I can wait in line easily without going crazy.
Common Sense or Book Smart? I tend to be more common sense.
Business or Pleasure? Pleasure all the way!


Who is your favorite character and why? Oh I got two. Gil and Break!

Gil- I really love how loyal he is to Oz. And I love how he stands firm in what he believes in, or how when he has his mind set on something he will totally keep on it. As he has shown many times. At the same time I like how cool and distant he seems at times.

And I like Break. Break I loved when I first saw his 'crazy' personality. He was the type that could make me laugh for no reason. And at the same time I like that you can't really tell what he's planning or thinking for sure. That darker and more secretive side makes me love him even more. And then when you add on about how awesome and ruthless of a fighter he is (Chesire's place) totally sealed the deal for me!
Who/What is your favorite Chain and why? Alice. I mean she is a chain! She is just so kick-ass that I love her. I love her personality and everything. Hehe!
If you were in Pandora Hearts, what role would you have? I'd probably be some background person. Or if I could I'd wanna work at Pandora. Around Liam would be awesome as he gets to watch some amazing things happen!


Any suggestions you would like to add? Nothing I can think of
Do you have any problems with any of the questions? Nope!
Anything else? Nothing else!
Would you like a anime stamp? or a manga stamp? Either one! I looked and they all are just so awesome!

ada vessalius

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