Nov 08, 2009 17:01
- 00:52 Alright, well, that's it. That Super-Virgin Sacrifice was my greatest masterpiece. And it involved eating poo. My parents sure must be proud #
That is all.
Nov 02, 2009 17:01
- 20:40 Spent the day lounging, watching 'Arrested Development' with mah lady. All in all a good day. #
That is all.
Nov 01, 2009 17:01
- 18:45 Ugh, I have such a bad headache after 'Section 9'. Great movie. A bit brutal, but very well done. Still, oww... #
- 19:26 @ threeeyedfronky: Do you mean Ratchet and Clank, or is this a new, even more gory version? #
- 01:30 I'm not too drunk to function...I'm not too drunk to function...I'm not too *bonk* #
That is all.
Oct 31, 2009 17:02
- 00:28 Happy Halloween, everybody! #
That is all.
Oct 29, 2009 17:01
- 15:48 @ bhumpsez: is he adopting, or at least hiring? Also, non-sequitar, I have an idea for special virgin sacrifice i have to tell you about. #
- 15:52 @ bhumpsez: sequiter? sequitor? You hopefully know what i mean... #
That is all.
Oct 27, 2009 17:01
- 01:39 Going to give up and go to sleep. Just realized the pinnacle of my day was waiting for the Trigun torrent to finish downloading. Sigh. #
- 11:46 - The number of insecure trash cans is on the rise, apparently. #
That is all.
Oct 25, 2009 17:01
- 19:53 My house - where 'Two-and-a-Half Men' is the cultural pinnacle of the evening. #
- 13:25 Wow, ballsy move, Mr. #
That is all.
Oct 23, 2009 17:02
- 16:07 Best. Office episode. EVER. #
That is all.
Oct 19, 2009 17:04
- 13:57 Just dulled a brand new disposable razor on my MANLY FACE FUR. In other news, ow, my face. #
That is all.
Oct 18, 2009 17:03
- 03:43 Wow, that was a great show! I had a lot of fun. Everybody looked amazing. @thequirkywoman won for most tasteless costume. So proud of her... #
That is all.