Oct 17, 2009 17:03
- 23:59 Holy shit. Huge car crash two cars in front of me - didn't stop at a red. Both cars on their sides. Goddamn that was loud... #
That is all.
Oct 16, 2009 17:03
- 01:56 GREAT show at CSUCI. Drive was a pain and a half, but show was fun. At the hotel now, getting our first 'unofficial' noise complaint. Woo! #
That is all.
Oct 14, 2009 17:02
- 21:51 Watching every damn interview I can find of Hunter S. Thompson on youtube. I could watch him mumble for hours... #
That is all.
Oct 13, 2009 17:02
- 21:17 Worried about my friend, Mick. Hope he gets home OK. Any Landmarkians out there reading this, please give me a call. #
That is all.
Oct 11, 2009 17:01
- 03:32 Screw you, Long Beach Marathon, for making a <10 min. commute from San Pedro to Long Beach be a 30 min affair. Dick... #
That is all.
Oct 10, 2009 17:01
- 23:11 Sat across from Richard Elfman at Lola's on 4th, enjoying chicken taquitos. Living out my dreams... #
- 16:10 Confused by sounds coming from outside Joey's appartment. Might be triple homicide, might be four people playing Rock Band. #
That is all.
Oct 09, 2009 17:01
- 17:26 Harland Williams - still not funny. #
That is all.
Oct 08, 2009 17:02
- 12:52 currently at LA Harbor College. It's somehow both shitty and cutting-edge. Also, smells like Doritos, all over campus. #
- 15:13 @ megcoleen: Nacho cheese. Well, more like nacho cheese breath. It was all very unpleasant and white-trashy. #
That is all.
Oct 07, 2009 17:01
- 09:46 Last pot of coffee until payday. Making it last - third cup of coffee in about half an hour. I want to be so awake it hurts. #
- 14:31 @ HollyGlightly88 Ha ha, that's awesome! Very well done. #
That is all.