Title:Torn Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst/Drama Paring: GRI Summary: "but the thought of living out the rest of his life with people who loved him second best made his heart beat uncomfortably."
The maddening thought pushed and pulled at him until an insane laugh bubbled up. He dropped to his knees and shook and clenched and tears fell to the ground in fat drops.
Favorite part. *Nodsnodsnods* I wasn't really expecting the husband part, but then again there's gotta be a reason behind Seungri's misery. This just made me want to squish him and never let him go. ):
XDDDDDD That is a big ass gun! I'm so glad Ri had someone to protect his feelings up to the point of death! You stan that boy so hard, huh? *loves that sfm*
Comments 16
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IKR, stupid Bongie doesn't know what's good for him!
Thank you for reading this even though it was so late~~~
The maddening thought pushed and pulled at him until an insane laugh bubbled up. He dropped to his knees and shook and clenched and tears fell to the ground in fat drops.
Favorite part. *Nodsnodsnods*
I wasn't really expecting the husband part, but then again there's gotta be a reason behind Seungri's misery. This just made me want to squish him and never let him go. ):
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but i still LOVED IT!!!! :D after reading all ur fics i'm more focused! :D
did i tell you how much I WUV YA!!!!???!!!!
I'm glad you're more focused though, dunno how that happened, but i'm glad none the less. <3
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