Title: Snapshots - Silence Pairing: Heechul-centric Genre: Slice-Of-Life Rating: G Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me. Wordcount: 99 Summary: Silence is comforting because it's home. Part of the Snapshots series.
*JEALOUS* ENVIOUS* That you managed to write a drabble that short >< Slice-of-Life works ^^
And as I read this, I pictured Heechul walking through a crowd of flashing lights, the scenes of what he used to do being heard but then it cuts in the middle, and the more personal stories begin as the flashes end. I hope he continues to hold close by when needs be ^^
YOU CAN DO IT TOO \O/ I'm just laughing at my increasing tag list now OTL
Ahh.. Interesting imaginary. That's not how I painted it in my mind but I like what I see now :) 3 more weeks and he's out from training! I wonder if he is going to stay in the dorms or move out back to his hometown *ponders*
Funny you should mention group hug. That was what I was thinking when I wrote it. I imagine that was probably what happened at the dorms before he left that morning. Only 3 more weeks and my Heenim baby is out ^^
Yes you can. You just posted a short one. Chaptered too as well. You amazing person you.
Comments 6
*JEALOUS* ENVIOUS* That you managed to write a drabble that short >< Slice-of-Life works ^^
And as I read this, I pictured Heechul walking through a crowd of flashing lights, the scenes of what he used to do being heard but then it cuts in the middle, and the more personal stories begin as the flashes end. I hope he continues to hold close by when needs be ^^
Ahh.. Interesting imaginary. That's not how I painted it in my mind but I like what I see now :) 3 more weeks and he's out from training! I wonder if he is going to stay in the dorms or move out back to his hometown *ponders*
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Funny you should mention group hug. That was what I was thinking when I wrote it. I imagine that was probably what happened at the dorms before he left that morning. Only 3 more weeks and my Heenim baby is out ^^
Yes you can. You just posted a short one. Chaptered too as well. You amazing person you.
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