Title: Monotony Pairing: Leeteuk-centric Genre: Slice-of-Life Rating: G Disclaimer: All characters mentioned here belong to SME. Wordcount: 100 Summary: The pattern never stops repeating. It only ever moves along with you. A/N: Part of the Snapshots series.
Title: Snapshots - Reflection Pairing: Kangin-centric Genre: Slice-Of-Life Rating: G Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me. Wordcount: 99 Summary: Because reminders are necessary in order to let go of the past. A/N: Part of the Snapshots series.
Title: Snapshots - Silence Pairing: Heechul-centric Genre: Slice-Of-Life Rating: G Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me. Wordcount: 99 Summary: Silence is comforting because it's home. Part of the Snapshots series.