[The doors open as usual, pink petals flying out to wash the coming guests in colour and scent, before the scene is revealed...
The room is decorated in
ornamental garden style with soft springy grass to sit on and serve traditional Japanese food and drink.
There is a
costume for everyone - that lovely blue with a hairpiece for creating topknots, only Tamaki dressed in purple as befitted the King of the Hosts.]
Customers Tamaki Suoh John Marston Jesus Christ Lavi Allen Walker Bossonova (Ritsu Kasanoda) Ash Ketchum Carl Clover Alucard Weighted Companion Cube Delta Jr. Mat Cauthon Alma Gino Weinberg Draco Malfoy Ashura [ooc: NEW FORMAT TODAY. Please wait while the sections go up Go wild. Customers tag in and hosts will come to you, or go to your specific host, or talk to other customers... it's a free-for-all madness! Threadjacking completely encouraged.]